Falmouth Field Trip 2014- Group 3

This website reflects the opinions of students and not the views of the University of Southampton or the National Oceanography Centre.

Produced by: Alice Duff, Philippa Fitch, Joanna Gordon, William Harris, Thomas Jefferson, Eirian Kettle, Jesse Marshall, Dominique Mole, Emma-Jo Pereira, Joshua Walton

Home Geophysics Estuary Pontoon Offshore Appendix

Bloom’, Public Library of Science, [www document] http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0021567 date accessed: 02/05/14

Fearnhead, P. G. (1975). On the formation of fronts by tidal mixing around the British Isles, 22(1971), 311–321.

Klais, R., Tamminen, T., Kremp, A., Spilling, K. and Olli, K. (2011), ‘Decadal-scale Changes of Dinoflagellates and Diatoms in the Anomalous Baltic Sea Spring

Miller, C.B. (2004) Biological Oceanography, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Nixon, S.W., (1995) ‘Coastal Marine Eutrophication: A Definition, Social Causes, and Future Concerns’, Ophelia, 41(1):199-219.

Pedersen, F. (1994) The Oceanographic and biological tidal cycle succession in shallow sea fronts in the north sea and English channel. Estuarine, Coastal and shelf sea science. 249-269

Smyth, T.J., Fishwick, J.R., AL-Moosawi, L., Cummings, D.G., Harris, C., Kitidis, V., Rees A., Martinez-Vicente, V. and Woodward, E.M.S. (2010) ‘A Broad Spatio-temporal View of the Western English Channel Observatory’, Journal of plankton research, 32(5):585-601.

Von Quillfeldt, C. H. (2001). Identification of Some Easily Confused Common Diatom Species in Arctic spring Blooms. Botanica Marina Vol. 44: 375-389.

Offshore - References