Falmouth 2016

Figure 28:  Nitrate concentration plotted against 3 depths at 5 stations of the same location but with 1 hour intervals between 08:24UTC to 13:44 UTC on 29/06/16 at Carrick Roads in the Fal Estuary.

Figure 29:  Phosphate concentration plotted against 3 depths at 5 stations of the same location but with 1 hour intervals between 08:24UTC to 13:44 UTC on 29/06/16 at Carrick Roads in the Fal Estuary.

Figure 30:  Silicon Concentration plotted against 3 depths at 5 stations of the same location but with 1 hour intervals between 08:24UTC to 13:44 UTC on 29/06/16 at Carrick Roads in the Fal Estuary.

This graph shows no clear patterns or consistency between silicon concentration and depth across the stations. Like the other nutrient graphs, the bottom depth varies between the stations due to the change in tide between when the stations were sampled.

Three of the profiles show a decrease in silicon concentration, but these are the only trends shown.

This graph shows that phosphate concentration is fairly consistent at the upper and middle depth between the stations if you excluded station 50 at the middle depth. However, there appears to be no patterns or trends shown with phosphate concentration and depth.

The graph shows that the nitrate concentration is most consistent at the upper depth if you exclude station 50. The graph suggests that there was a large input of nitrate into Carrick Roads between station 48 and 50. However, this may incorrect as one hour later, station 52 shows no indication of a large input of nitrate over one hour prior. Nitrate concentration varies greatly at the middle depth between the stations, with no clear pattern between them. The bottom depth varies between the stations due to the change in tide between when the stations were sampled. The nitrate concentration at this depth varies and has no clear pattern between the stations.
