Home Offshore Estuary Pontoon Habitat Mapping Summary References

Falmouth 2015 - Group 7


Aim: To locate a previously observed phytoplankton bloom to examine changes in location and properties.




Date: 25/06/15

Location: start point- Prince of Wales Pier

Time: 07:12- 16:40 UTC

Vessel: Callista

Weather: Initially overcast with 6/8 cloud cover, cleared to 1/8 cloud cover and no wind

Sea state: Smooth, becoming flat later with small waves

Tide: Low tide 07:18 UTC, high tide 13:17 UTC


The Prince of Wales pier was the start point for the full day offshore trip on Callista. CTD casts, ADCP transects, zooplankton trawls and water samples were completed at 6 stations offshore from Falmouth, providing an overview of the properties of the water column as well as samples to analyse nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations.

Photograph 1a - View from R. V. Callista taken by Matt
