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Biological Analysis


Contrasting conditions favour different types of phytoplankton, as demonstrated by Margalef (Fig.1). Diatoms consist of a dense opal frustule meaning they require turbulent waters to keep them suspended in the euphotic zone. High amounts of mixing also means nutrients are constantly replenished in the surface waters. In areas of high nutrient concentrations diatoms can reproduce quickly and dominate the phytoplankton assemblage.

Dinoflagellates dominate the phytoplankton community when the water column is stratified. These are small phytoplankton, and therefore don’t require turbulent processes to keep them suspended in the euphotic zone. They also survive well in areas of low nutrients as the stratification restricts nutrients from upwelling up to the surface, meaning they are often found after the diatom dominated spring bloom19.

Our offshore data (Fig.2) supports the Margalef Mandela. A frontal system exists offshore from Falmouth where the waters are more stratified. They have a warm surface mixed layer that is depleted in nutrients and cold nutrient rich water below the thermocline. Dinoflagellates make up approximately 26-30% of the phytoplankton community at the offshore stations 21, 22, and 24. This is up to 4 times higher than the percentage of dinoflagellates found at the further inshore stations 23, 25, 26, and 27. These inshore stations have a higher percentage of diatoms, making up 80-100% of the population.

At station 23, the phytoplankton assemblage is made up entirely of diatoms. Here the water is extremely well mixed, due to turbulent processes caused by friction between the tidal current and the seabed. This is proved by the homogeneous profile of temperature at this station. Diatoms outcompete other types of phytoplankton in these conditions. This station is also close to the mouth of the Helford River which would bring an influx of nutrients to the station, creating a high nutrient and turbulent water column where diatoms would thrive.


Station 21 (Fig.3&4)

The plankton of the water column varies with depth, as is to be expected due to the attenuation of light with depth. In surface waters (20-0m) phytoplankton were very diverse, with diatoms and dinoflagellates each representing half the overall sample. As a result, a large and diverse zooplankton community is able to grow and reproduce successfully between the surface and 20m depth (Fig.3). The dominant fauna was Cladocera, which is unsurprising as it is commonly one of the dominant pelagic populations, especially in freshwater or eutrophic systems20. They comprised 54.2% of the total fauna sampled. Another 33% of the sample was made up of copepods and hydromedusae (Jellyfish), both of which are predators. The remaining 16.8% of the zooplankton community contained chaetognaths, echinoderm larvae and cirripedia larvae. The high levels of phytoplankton allowed herbivores to flourish, which in turn allowed predatory zooplankton such as, chaetognaths and decapods larvae, to flourish However, due to this huge abundance of cladocera, a large population of hydromedusae were able to grow.

At deeper depths (20-35m) the plankton community varies significantly. The phytoplankton levels dropped significantly due to a reduction in Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) reaching these depths, and diatoms made up 92% of the phytoplankton community. Due to this, the herbivore zooplankton community was not as large. Hydromedusae are the dominant family at this depth, comprising 53% of the total count. Cladocera is not as dominant, only 26% of the total count, as they are herbivorous, and so rely on phytoplankton as their food source20, which is less prominent here. The high abundance of cladocera is able to support to the large populations of predators such as Appendicularia, Decapod larvae, Copepods and Polychaete larvae.

Fig.1: Margalef’s diagram of nutrients and turbulence against phytoplankton growth

Fig.2: Percentage abundance of diatoms and dinoflagellates offshore in Falmouth at stations 21 to 27.

Station 22 (Fig.5)

In this community there were fewer dinoflagellates within the water, with diatoms dominating the phytoplankton community (71%) at 14m. The zooplankton net was cast from 45-30m depth, which will have a significant impact on both the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities, as less PAR reaches these depths, resulting in less phytoplankton and consequently a smaller or less diverse zooplankton communtity. Again, Cladocera dominated the ecosystem, making up 47% of the total zooplankton abundance, and Copepods were also abundant in this system, at 21% of the sample. There was a large population of gelatinous predatory zooplankton at this station, 16% of the total count. This station most likely follows the same pattern as the deep sample taken at the previous station, as the conditions are similar, the main difference being the levels of phytoplankton. A phytoplankton sample was not taken at this depth, so it is difficult to draw conclusions. Overall, this station is dominated by herbivorous Cladocera, which in turn supports the high levels of predators, such as cnidarians.

Fig.3: Zooplankton abundance and diversity at Station 21 between 20-0m

Fig.4: Zooplankton abundance and diversity at Station 21 between  35-20m

Station 23 (Fig.6)

The phytoplankton sample taken at this station at 4m depth showed that the community was 100% diatoms. This correlates with the location, as the CTD analysis showed a well mixed water column at this station. This has an impact on the grazing herbivorous community, most notably the Cladocera. It can be seen in Fig.6 from the net taken 5-0m in the water column, that they are no longer the dominant zooplankton species, having an abundance of only 21.5%. The dominant zooplankton species are instead Copepods (40% of the sample), Gastropod larvae (15.4%) and Polychaete larvae (11%). Most of these are predatory; however some species of gastropod can have herbivorous larvae21. Whilst it may seem that there is a small herbivore community, in terms of numbers they are still abundant, as in a ten ml sample there were 215 total individuals counted, 86 of these being Cladocera. This indicates that the high levels of phytoplankton still support a large community. The net taken at this sample was considerably shallower at others, as the station itself was further inshore, and this may account for the lack of Hydromedusae found here, as they are dependent on currents and this station was more sheltered then others.

Fig.5: Zooplankton abundance and diversity at Station 22 between 45-30m

Fig.6: Zooplankton abundance and diversity at Station 23 between 5-0m

Fig.7: Zooplankton abundance and diversity at Station 24 between 30-15m

Station 24 (Fig.7)

In the water sample, taken at 30m at this station, there was the highest levels of phytoplankton seen from any sample. The dominant species had also changed, with dinoflagellates making up 80% of the community, the highest abundance from any sample. This is to be expected, as the water column at this station was stratified, which encourages dinoflagellates to grow rather than doiatoms22. The zooplankton community was diverse, with twelve different groups represented in the sample taken from 30-15m depth. Cladocera were the largest group represented, at 34% of the sample, however there three other large groups; Copepods (13%), Hydromedusae (16%) and Siphonophores (22%). This is the only sample to include a vertebrate, as one fish larvae was present, which could indicate that this station was near a spawning ground or fishery. As this system is so diverse, there are a large number of both herbivorous and predatory species present.

Chemical Analysis                   Physical Analysis

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the opinion of the authors only and NOT that of University of Southampton or National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.

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