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Offshore: Biological


Figure 1. The number of zooplankton individuals in each family present at each station. Here S means surface column from 30 – 0 m, and D means deep column from 55 – 30 m.

The most common zooplankton found were copepods, which were at a more advanced stage than their less abundant juvenile form the copepod nauplii. Although copepods are expected to migrate diurnally and so appear deeper during the day (Daro, 1985), there appeared to be little difference between copepod population size at the two depths. However the nauplii were found mainly in the surface stations, suggesting they had not developed diurnal feeding rhythms (Daro, 1985). No zooplankton family exhibited preference of depth in the water column and no obvious trend in zooplankton numbers occurred across the depths. As zooplankton are motile they can migrate vertically to locate their food and so are not limited to the euphotic zone where phytoplankton are predominantly found. However, this phytoplankton behaviour is not observed in our samples; a chlorophyll maximum was observed below the euphotic zone at ~40 m with a smaller peak at ~20 m at all stations, which does is not mirrored by the zooplankton distribution.

The most prevalent meroplankton recorded were the hydromedusae, whose growth rate is potentially increasing due to the ideal temperatures and large number of copepods present (Matsikis, 1993) and thus creating the bloom of jellyfish observed off Cornwall (BBC, 2014). Other meroplankton, such as polychaete larvae, were high in numbers as the protected SACs (Langston et al., 2003) may provide safe areas for reproduction by benthic adults. The three most uncommon families (Mysidacea, Ctenophora and Cirripeda) were all only found at the surface of Station 36. Mysidacea larvae may be low due to high sensitivity to toxic metals (Cripe, 2009) which are extremely high off the Falmouth shore (Bryan et al., 1987); ctenophores due to lack of they favourite prey, copepod nauplii and ciliates (Stoecker et al., 1987); and cirripedia due to their intertidal and shallow water preference as we sampled 9 miles off shore. There were an unexpectedly high number of zooplankton individuals (~9500) in the surface waters of station 39. This could be anomalous due to individual accuracy of identification; however the proportional abundance of the zooplankton families is similar to the majority of stations.

This web page shows;

Figures 2 - 5. Phytoplankton count per 1 ml with depth at station 36 (08:30 UTC), station 37 (09:30 UTC), station 39 (10:30 UTC) and station 40 (11:30 UTC) respectively. Click on each figure to enlarge.



Figures 6 – 9. The number of phytoplankton individuals present in water samples taken from station 36, 37, 39 and 40 respectively. Repeat analysis of a single depth’s sample is indicated by an “r”. Note that blue represents diatoms, red represents ciliates and green represents dinoflagellates. Click on each figure to enlarge.

Across all stations and at nearly all depths diatoms dominate the phytoplankton community. This is unexpected in the summer stratified waters which usually favour dinoflagellates. However diatoms tend to dominate in dynamic systems with fresh nutrient inputs, especially silica which is high in our samples, as it is required to form the external silica frustule surrounding the cell (Fishwick, 2008). Diatoms decrease from the surface waters to just below the main thermocline at both stations 36 and 37. Stations 36, 37 and 39 also show a peak at around 40 m as a response to the second smaller thermocline. Station 40 does not exhibit this second thermocline and hence no diatom peak was observed. This was confirmed by the lack of backscatter at 40 m recorded by the ADCP which had been present at the previous stations. There was an unexpected peak of diatoms in the surface waters at station 37 that was due to an unprecedented amount of Chaetoceros (~4500 per ml). These were often observed in chains possibly after a period of exponentially high growth (Ichimi et al., 2012) due to the lowest count of copepods whose main diet is often Chaetoceros species (Cheng-Han et al., 2004). One of the most prevalent diatoms observed was Leptocylindus danicus, predominantly in the deeper samples below the thermocline which agrees with records from (Holligan & Harbour, 1977). These large populations concur with the distinct shift in the species present in the diatom community species towards the summer months noted by Widdecombe et al., 2003. Widdicombe also observed high levels of “chain-forming centric diatoms of genera Chaetoceros, Leptocylindrus, Guinardia and Thalassiosira” as also observed in our data.

The only occasions where this does not occur are the ciliate-dominated 3.15 m at station 40 and the dinoflagellate-dominated 21.19 m at station 36. Ciliates often gather around the water surface (Jonsson, 1989) and are, at station 40, just above a slight pycnocline at ~7 m before the major density increase at ~15 m. Ciliates were low in abundance in our samples apart from the specified Mesodinium rubrum, which despite occurring in high numbers at the surface of station 40 was still below the threshold (1 x 103 ml-1; Crawford et al., 1998) for a harmful algal bloom to appear. Other toxic species recorded like the dinoflagellates Dinophysis and more specifically Alexandrium were also present in the higher salinity seawater samples they prefer (Blanco et al., 2009). Dinoflagellates peak at the base of the euphotic zone (~26 m) in all stations with the exception of station 37. Station 37 shows a single peak at the secondary thermocline ~40 m, which is shown in addition to the first peak at station 36. This is due to their increased motility which allows them to mine nutrients at depth (Smyth et al., 2009) and return to the euphotic zone for light. Aside from station 37 the maximum number of phytoplankton recorded occurs at depth between 26 m (station 40) and 44 m (station 39). This is responsible for the stronger secondary chlorophyll maximum observed at around 40 m compared to the smaller on at ~15 m at most stations.



BBC, 2014. Accessed online at [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-27483262] on 01/07/2014.

Blanco, E . P., Lewis, J., and Aldridge, J., 2009. The germination characteristics of Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae), a toxic dinoflagellate from the Fal estuary (UK). Harmful Algae 8(3):518-522

Bryan, G. W., Gibbs, P. E., Hummerstone, L. G., Burt, G. R., 1987. Copper, Zinc, and Organotin as Long-Term Factors Governing the Distribution of Organisms in the Fal Estuary in Southwest England. Estuaries 10(3):206-219

Cheng-Han, W., Jiand-Shiou, H., & Jui-Sen, Y., 2004. Diets of Three Copepods (Poecilostomatoida) in the Southern Taiwan Strait. Zoological Studies 43(2):388-392

Crawford, D. W., Purdie, D. A., Lockwood, A. P. M., Weissman, P., 1997. Recurrent Red-tides in the Southampton Water Estuary Caused by the Phototrophic Ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. Estuarie, Coastal and Shelf Science 45(6):799-812

Cripe, G. M., 2009. Comparative acute toxicities of several pesticides and metals to Mysidopsis bahia and postlarval panaeus duorarum. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13(11):1867-1872.

Fishwick, J. R., 2008. Biological and photo-physiological interactions between phytoplankton functional types; a five year study in the western English Channel. Ph.D thesis, University of Plymouth.

Holligan, P. M., & Harbour, D. S., 1977. The vertical distribution and succession of phytoplankton in the English Channel in 1975 and 1976. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 57(4):1075-1093

Ichimi, K., Kawamura, T., Yamamoto, A., Tada, K., & Harrison, P., 2012. Extremely high growth rate of the small diatom Chaetoceros salsugineum isolated from an estuary in the Eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Journal of Phycology 48(5):1284-1288

Jonsson, P., 1989. Vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates – an experimental analysis of swimming behaviour. Marine Ecology Progress Series 52:39-53

Matsakis, S., 1993. Growth of Clytia spp. hydromedusae (Cnidaria, Thecata): effects of temperature ad food availability. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 171(1):107-118

Smyth T. J., Fishwick J. R., Al-Moosawi, L., Cummings, D. G., Harris, C., Kitidis, V., Rees, A., Martinez-Vicente, V., and Woodward, E. M. S., 2009. A broad spatio-temporal view of the Western English Channel observatory. Journal of Plankton Research 32(5):585-601

Stoecker, D. K., Verity, P. G., Michaels, A. E., & Davis, L. H., 1987. Feeding by larval and post-larval ctenophores on microzooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 9(4):667-683

Widdicombe, C. E., Eloire, D., Harbour, D., Harris, R. P., & Somerfield, P. J., 2009. Long-term phytoplankton community dynamics in the Western English Channel. Journal of Plankton Research 32(5):643-655

Disclaimer Sampling Stations

Falmouth, 2014

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