Scientific Instruments:

Below is a list of the scientific instruments used throughout the field course for the various research undertaken. A brief description and the specification of each of the instruments is given for reference when reading about the scientific procedures undertaken.

RDI Workhorse ADCP

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, functions by transmitting and receiving sound waves. Lower frequencies enable less detailed data for greater depths. Penetration. Higher frequencies enable detailed data for shallower depth penetration. RV Callista uses 600kHz, a low-medium frequency for coastal work14.

FSI iCTD and rosette

Integrated conductivity, temperature and depth sensor to give in situ temperature and salinity data for samples collected in Niskin bottles15.

Niskin bottle

Water bottles arranged in rosette allow multiple samples from a single deployment. Available in a range of sizes.

Secchi disk

Traditional light penetration detecting equipment. k = 1.44/the depth that the Secchi disk ceases to be visible (Knauss, 2005).

Aanderaa SooGuard System

Thermosalinograph (with a resolution of 0.0001°C and an accuracy of ±0.03°C) and fluorimeter package designed in collaboration with NOC, UK. Standard parameters include conductivity (Conductivity Sensor 4319), temperature (Temperature Sensor 4060), oxygen (Oxygen Optode 4330/4330F). Data is collected with SmartGuard data logger. EnviroT InLine Fluorometer used to detect chlorophyll levels16.

Plankton net

Weighted net with 60cm diameter (30cm radius) and 200µm filter. Messenger weight sent down cable at the upper sample depth to close bottle. Volume of water passing through is calculated as v = πr2L, where L is the distance travelled by the net during sampling.

GeoAcoustics 159D Sidescan

Seabed feature mapping sonar system, rated to a depth of 1000m 17.

Winkler apparatus

Titration equipment whereby a chart recorder records the light passing through a sample bottle. A burette feeds a titre, thiosulphate solution (normality = .22), into the sample dissolved oxygen bottle. The volume of titre against the initial volume of the sample is used to find the oxygen concentration and oxygen percentage saturation.

ATI Unicam 8625 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer

Multiple cell holder, single beam, range of 195-900nm. Used for nitrate analysis18.

Hitachi Ratio Beam Spectrophotometer U-1800

A UV-Vis single beam spectrophotometer, with a wavelength range of 190-1800nm, and scan speed of upto 3600nm/min. Used for silicon and phosphate analysis19.

Turner Fluorometer 10-AU

Measures fluorescence of chlorophyll a following the method of Welschmeyer (1994), indicating presence of phytoplankton in the water column. Sensitive down to a concentration of 10 parts per trillion20.

YSI650 MDS (Multiparameter Display System) Multiprobe

Real-time data log of water quality data. Parameters include time, depth, temperature and salinity. Probe is manually lowered into water column21.

Valeport Model 106 Lightweight Current Meter

Constructed from titanium and polymers, the current meter is suitable for coastal and estuarine research. Parameters include pressure, direction, and speed22.

Nikon SMZ800

Zoom stereomicroscope with zoom range of 1x to 6.3x, and potential total magnification of 5x to 378x 23.

Other Equipment:

Thermo Scientific Finnpipette F2- used to pipette reagents.

BD Plastipak syringe- used to push sample through filter.

Glass microfibre filter paper- used to collect chlorophyll out of samples.

Bogorov tray- used to contain zooplankton samples under microscope.

Sedgewick-Rafter Chamber- used to contain phytoplankton samples under microscope.

Light sensor- used to measure the availability of light and as an indication of turbidity.















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