
The Geophysical technique side-scan sonar was used in conjunction with sediment grabs and video footage to carry out habitat mapping around Helford river and bay. The vessel Viking was used to carry out the data collection. Using charts of the area a transect was chosen and was plotted. Side scan sonar was deployed into the water and was used to determine the features and structure of the sea bed. There were 5 lines in the transect, each 100m apart. These lines were followed as closely as possible by the vessel, however to allow for any deviations from the line, latitudes and longitudes were recorded every minute. 

Using information from the side scan sonar on changes in sediment type and also the charts, we determined 3 sites that would be useful to video to give a more detailed picture of the benthic environment. This also provided a form of ground-truthing verifying data observed by the side-scan sonar. The video camera was mounted on a fin and was deployed over the side of the vessel. It was then lowered through the water column too depth just above the sea floor whilst observations were made on a screen from the bridge. Time and location data was recorded at the beginning and end of footage on a board.

Areas in which sediment grabs could be obtained were determined by the side-scan sonar data along with charts and a previously determined habitat map. This prevented the grab from interfering in conservation areas or hitting rocky outcrops. The grab was deployed via a crane over the side of the vessel and once a sample had been obtained and was brought back onto the deck it was sieved into fractions using a 5ml, 1ml and 0.5ml mesh. Species within the sample were then identified before returning to location of grab to release the organisms to prevent contamination of habitats. This work allowed analysis of the habitat structure and ecosystem within the grab area.

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