Falmouth 2015 - Group 2
A Study on the Fal Estuary

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this website are not those of the University of Southampton or the National Oceanography Centre

About Us

James Hlywiak

I am a semester abroad student from the Pennsylvania State University, where I will be entering my fourth and final year. At the University of Southampton, I studied oceanography, while at Penn State I focused on meteorology and math. My main interests are in tropical meteorology and climate dynamics.

Brady Ferster

I am returning for my 4th year (senior) at Pennsylvania State University. I am studying meteorology, oceanography, and energy business finance (EBF), and am particularly interested in physical oceanography

Henry Short

I am a student at the University of Southampton and have just completed the 2nd year of a 4 year MSci in Marine Biology. I am interested in paleo-marine biology and am spending a semester in Svalbard studying polar biology.

Alice Skehel

I am a student at the University of Southampton, I am about to commence my 3rd year at the University of Wilmington in North Carolina. I am an avid SCUBA Diver and feel that has lead me to an interest in molecular biology and more specifically Coral biology.

Sam Lindsay

I have just completed the 2nd year of my MSc oceanography Degree programme at the University of Southampton. The 1st semester of my 3rd year will be spent at the University of Bergen, Norway. I am particularly interested in Physical Oceanography.

Elliott Waltho

I have just completed the 2nd year of my MSc Marine Biology degree at the University of Southampton. I am spending the 1st semester of my 3rd year at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. I am particularly interested in tropical marine ecosystems and molecular biology.

Eleanor Johnston

I am studying Msci Marine Biology and have just completed my second year at the University of Southampton. Next semester I will be studying at the University of Bergen in Norway where I will be focusing on modules in palaeoecology, fish physiology and behaviour. I am particularly interested in marine conservation.

Lucy Henshall

I am an MSci Marine Biology student about to start my 3rd year. I’m about to go on a semester abroad to the University centre in Svalbard, to spend 5 months living in the arctic. My particular interests are marine reptilians, paleo-vertebrate evolution and polar ecology.

Robynne Nowicki

I am currently studying the Marine Biology MSci at the University of Southampton. I will be starting my upcoming third year at the UNIS center located in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. I am very interested in polar biology, particularly molecular polar biology and so I am very excited to study a year in the Arctic. My next goal after this is how to go about visiting the Antarctic!

Kieran Allen

I have recently completed my second year in MSCi Marine Biology at the University of Southampton. In my upcoming year I will be spending a semester at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. My areas of interest include parasitology and evolutionary biology.