Home Offshore Geophysics Estuary Pontoon Researchers

Igor Atake
I am a 5th year undergraduate oceanography student, from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil, doing a year abroad at the University of Southampton as part of the program Science without Borders (SwB). I have been involved in scientific, social and enterprise projects, with great interest in biological oceanography.

Fun fact! I’m colorblind

Samantha Berlet
Although I have been studying at Southampton, I am actually an exchange student from Penn State University in the USA. I will be graduating this summer after spending six months abroad in my final year. After graduation, I plan to continue my education and obtain a Master’s degree in Marine Biology.

Fun Fact! I can tie a knot in a cherry stem in my mouth.

Jennifer Brand
Currently in my second year of study for an MSci Marine Biology at the University of Southampton, I am very excited about my year of study abroad at UWA in Perth, Australia, starting in July 2014. I am passionate about marine conservation, which is something I also hope to get involved in over the Christmas break, giving me more experience in these projects which will help in my future career.

Fun Fact! I can stand on my tippy-toes.

Harriet Compton
I am currently in my third year of studying for an Msci in Oceanography at Southampton University. I am particularly interested in the biogeochemistry of the ocean and coastal systems. After graduating, I am hoping to go in to teaching at secondary school level.

Fun fact! I can do a great frog impression.

Clarissa Endo
I am Oceanography student from Sao Paulo University (USP), Brazil, currently on an exchange scheme at Southampton University under the Science without Boarders (SwB) scholarship program. Although I have worked with foraminifera and sediment cores, I am now more interested in the biological oceanography (fish reproduction and recruitment, fisheries, ecology).

Fun Fact! I am afraid of pigeons!

Jennifer Gall
Finalist Oceanography student at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil, studying in Southampton University for the last year through the Science Without Borders programme. In my home university, I work in the Sediment dynamics lab and have held projects from the university and the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP).

Fun Fact! I’ve read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 17 times.

Sophie Hare
I am in my second year of Msci Marine Biology degree at Southampton University, I am going to Gothenburg University in Sweden for the first semester of the next academic year. I am particularly interested in polar science and biochemistry within the polar-regions, it is within this area of research that I would like to pursue  career.

Fun Fact! When I was younger I wanted to be a pirate!

Emily Howe
I’m a 2nd year student of MSci Oceanography with French at Uni. Southampton, and will be going to the Université de Bordeaux in September. I am particularly interested in ice-ocean dynamics and the wider interactions between the cryosphere and climate; I would love to one day be involved with BAS conducting research.

Fun Fact! I know the alphabet in Morse Code.

Emma Jefferys
Hi! I’m currently in my second year at the University of Southampton studying Marine Biology. Next year I am studying Arctic Biology at the University Centre in Svalbard which I am very excited about! In the future I aim to work for the British Antarctic Survey as a Marine Biologist since I am very interested in the molecular processes that occur in polar regions.

Fun fact! I was born in the same place as Charles Darwin!

Julianna Oliveira
I am a Brazilian student who is currently studying Bsc Oceanography at the University of Southampton, as part of the Science Without Borders program. I will be graduating at the end of this year and I hope to do a masters on Climate Change and Physical Oceanography, which are my favourite topics.

Fun fact: I am afraid of chickens!

Jemima Rama
I am Jemima and I am doing the Msci Oceanography program. I am so excited to be going to the University of Washington next year. After my studies, I would love to go on a research cruise either to the Arctic or the Antarctic.

Fun fact: Had my first pasty ever here in Falmouth

Agda Silva
Currently doing an exchange at the University of Southampton as part of the Science without Borders (SwB) program, I’m a 3rd year undergraduate student from the Federal University of Ceara (UFC) in Brazil. I’m interested in coastal processes and mapping. After graduating I hope to do a masters and a PhD degree and become a teacher.

Fun fact! I was bald until I was 2!


We would like to thank all lecturers and researchers involved in organizing the Faltmouth Fieldcourse and the RV Callista, RV Bill Conway and MST Xplorer’s crews for their presence and support, as well as the personnel from the NOCS networking, for setting up the servers and computers and supporting us through the first week of the field course. We would also like to thank University College Falmouth for providing us with accommodation at their halls of residence and working space throughout all our time in Falmouth.