Group 6      Designed by C Pollard      Powered by UoS + NOCS      



The water between Plymouth Sound and E1 station were sampled by the RV Callista including the area around Eddystone rocks.


Start Time: 07:30 UTC

End Time: 15:45 UTC

Cloud cover varied from 5/8 to 8/8

Wind stayed between 1-3 on the Beaufort scale

Sea-state: Very calm with low variation throughout the day

The calm sea-state allowed for the sampling of station E1 which was far off-shore in comparison to L4 station. A total of 4 stations were sampled during the day, the main aim of this was to investigate the high sea-surface temperature plume observed in the handout given to us in preparation for this activity as well as the depleted sea-surface levels of chlorophyll. At each station a CTD rosette was deployed to get an idea of the water-column using the SeaBird on the downcast and to recover water samples at specific depths of interest on the upcast with the use of remotely fired Niskin bottles. At each station between 3 and 6 bottles were fired. The purpose of taking these water samples was to analyse the nutricline and other chemical constituents within the water column as well as the observed deep chlorophyll maximums we identified as we got further out into the English Channel and away from shore.

At select stations plankton nets were deployed to depths of interest to sample the biology contributing to the deep chlorophyll maximum. Spikes in fluorescence on the downcast highlighted the deep chlorophyll maximums which can be explained by the oligotrophic surface waters as the result of the spring blooms as well as the higher temperature at depth due to the recent warm weather influence.

Methods Physics Chemistry Biology

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