Home Offshore Estuary Pontoon Habitat Mapping Index


Bongo net

This is a plankton net used in the collection of zooplankton samples, two nets of differing mesh sizes  were deployed over the side of the vessel and towed at varying depths at a low speed. The volume of water passed through each net was calculated using the diameter of the net, the distance and time towed. Once recovered, the cod ends were emptied into clean sample bottles.


Winnie the Pooh

Local Fishing vessel with a draught of 0.5m allowing safe passage up to the shallowest parts of the estuary the King Harry Pontoon towards Truro. This agile little beauty completed the fleet and enabled almost the whole estuary from mouth to freshwater to be surveyed and sampled.


Bowen, G.G., Dussek, C., & Hamilton, R.M., (1998), “Pollution Resulting from the Abandonment and Subsequent Flooding of Wheal Jane Mine in Cornwall, UK”. Geological Society Special Publications, 128, pp93-99

Bryan, G.W., and Langston, W.J., (1992), “Bioavailability, Accumulation and Effects of Heavy Metals in Sediments with Special Reference to United Kingdom Estuaries: a Review.” Environmental Pollution, 76, pp.89-131

Chester, R. (2000). “The modification of river-transported signals at the land-sea interface: estuaries”. Marine Geochemistry. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp.24-48.

Cornwall Guide, (2017), The River Fal. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.cornwalls.co.uk/Falmouth/fal_river.htm. [Accessed 8 July 2017]

Dyer K.R. (1997). “Estuaries: A Physical Introduction”. 2nd Edition. Chichester: John wiley & Sons. Pp.41-54.

Furnas,. J. (1990).In Situ Growth Rates of Marine Phytoplankton: Approaches to Measurement, Community and Species Growth Rates”. J. Plankton Res., 12, pp1117-1151.

Hunt, L.E., and Howard, A.G., (1994), “Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in the Carnon Estuary Following the Acute Discharge of Contaminated Water from a Disused Mine”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28:1, pp33-38

James, R. (2005). Marine Biogeochemical Cycles. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.31-39.

Joint Nature Conservation Committee, (2017), Maerl Beds, [ONLINE] Available at: http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-6023. [Accessed 8 July 2017]

Kraberg, A., Baumann, M. and Durselen, C. (2010). Coastal Phytoplankton: Photo Guide for Northern European Seas. Pfeil Verlag, University of California, p24

Langston, W.J., Chesman, B.S., Burt, G.R., Hawkins, S.J., Readman, J. and Worsfold, P. (2017). “Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites”. Marine Biological Assosciation.

Lewin, J. (1955). “Silicon Metabolism in Diatons. II. Sources of Silicon for Growth of Navicula Pelliculosa”. Plant Physiology. Vol. 30, No.2, pp. 129-134.

Morin, S., Coste, M., Delmas, F. (2008). “A Comparison of Specific Growth Rates of Periphytic Diatoms of Varying Cell Size Under Laboratory and Field Conditions”. Hydrobiology., 614. pp285-297.

Nielsen, T. and Richardson, K. (1989). “Food chain structure of the North Sea plankton communities: seasonal variations of the role of the microbial loop”. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 56, pp.75-87.

Projects Exeter, (2006a), Location of the Fal Estuary. [ONLINE] Available at: https://projects.exeter.ac.uk/geomincentre/estuary/Main/loc.htm. [Accessed 8 July 2017]

Projects Exeter, (2006b), The Wheal Jane Incident and Water Quality, [ONLINE] Available at: http://projects.exeter.ac.uk/geomincentre/estuary/main/jane.htm. [Accessed 8 July 2017]

Raven, J. A. (1983). “The Transport and Function of Silicon in Plants”. Biol. Rev., 58. pp179-207.

Todd, C.D., Laverick, M.S., Boxshall, G.A. (2006), “Coastal Marine Zooplaknton: A Practical Manual for Students” Cambridge University Press. (2)

Treguer, P., Nelson, A., Van Bennekom, A. J., Demaster, D. J., Leynaert, A. & Queguiner, B (1995). “The Silica Balance In the World Ocean: A Reestimate”. Science, 268, pp375-379.

UK Hydrographic Office. (2017). Admiralty Easytide: Falmouth. [Online]. Available from: http://www.ukho.gov.uk/easytide.

Yool, A. & Tyrell, T. (2003). Role of Diatoms in Regulating the Ocean’s Silicon Cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(4)

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An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler is a current meter used to measure the speed and directionality of the current, using the Doppler effect of sound waves to analyse the scatter back of the particles within the water column.  They transmit and receive sound and the travel time is used to determine distance in X, Y and Z directions, using a minimum of three beams.

(Source: comm-tec)

Flow meter

This instrument gives a reading of the direction and speed of the flow through the water column – this can give an indication of the tidal movement. It was deployed by hand from the pontoon.

Irradiance meter

An instrument used to measure the light intensity, comparatively between the surface probe and a probe at a chosen depth. Used on the pontoon and deployed by hand.

Horizontal niskin bottle

These are used to collect water samples at depth. The bottle was lowered over the side of the pontoon using a weighted cable and a messenger was sent down to close it once it had reached the desired depth.

Rosette & CTD

A rosette of remote activated Niskin bottles, that enable one to take multiple samples at different depths in the water column. This was used during the estuarine practical on R.V Bill Conway.

The CTD measures the conductivity (as an indication of salinity), temperature and pressure (an indication of depth). A CTD is usually incorporated into a Niskin bottle rosette to accompany these water samples.

665 Dosimat

Designed and used for liquid handling in laboratories, used in our case for the titration of sodium thiosulphate to determine oxygen concentration.

End point

When combined with the 665 Dosimat, the end point detector can be used to determine the clarity of the sample during titration. This is useful for the calculation of oxygen concentrations of our samples.

The bucket

When all else fails and you are unable to deploy your niskin bottle. There is always the traditional method of chucking a bucket and rope over the side to collect your water samples!

YSI multiprobe

This probe is a water quality sensor that measures parameters such as depth, temperature, chlorophyll and salinity. It was deployed from the side of the vessel from the surface to the desired depth using a cable and then retrieved. The depth of the seafloor was known as too avoid over extension and damage to the probe.

10-AU Fluorometer

Used to calculate chlorophyll concentrations from the filters of water samples collected. It is highly sensitive and portable which was ideal when transporting down from Southampton University.

U-500 Spectrophotometer

Used to measure how much the nutrients (nitrate, silicate, phosphate) absorb light as a beam of light passes through the samples


The simple ones are usually the best… Microscopes were vital in identifying phytoplankton and zooplankton species from water samples and zooplankton trawls.

Side scan

The side scan towfish was used to map the seafloor using sound transmission and detection, it was attached to a cable and run off the stern of the vessel. It produced a live feed of the sea floor in the area and had a swath of 75m.

MTS Explorer

The lightening quick 12m MTS Explorer was the Fastcat deployed for Habitat Mapping. It enabled fast transport to and from the sites of interest and was large enough to deploy a side scan towfish and video camera.

MTS Terramare

She is an 85ft multi-purpose landing craft (www.mtsgroupltd.com) and newest member to the Falmouth field course fleet. She powered out at 8 knots from the Falmouth marina whereupon we completed all our offshore work aboard this vessel.

RV Bill Conway

Bill Conway is an 11.74m A-framed vessel used by the university of Southampton for teaching and research (www.southampton.ac.uk). The Conway travelled up the Fal towards black rock and all the Estuary data was recorded underway.

Disclaimer: All the opinions expressed in this site are that of Group 2 and not necessarily the University of Southampton or the National Oceanography Centre.

Video camera

The video camera was lowered and towed just above the sea floor during several transacts. It was linked to a live video view that was viewed on deck and provided a visual representation of the benthic habitat previously displayed by the side scan.
