Home Offshore Estuary Pontoon Habitat mapping


Group 5

The views expressed are those of the individuals concerned and do not express the views of the University of Southampton or those of the National Oceanography Centre Southampton.

Pontoon Physical Data

Click below for more data from the pontoon

Pontoon Chemical Data Pontoon Methodology Offshore Biological Data Estuary Biological Data

Click below to see our biological data from offshore and the estuary

Biological data


Chlorophyll was measured using the YSI probe which was deployed every 30m with data recorded at the surface and then at 1m intervals. The appears to be a consistent increase in chlorophyll in the first few meters, dependant on overall depth, followed by a decrease near the middle of the water column with the deepest sample having the lowest concentration with only 1 minor exception.

We took bottle samples for chlorophyll at the pontoon but due to sample mishandling they were never tested in the lab.

Chlorophyll concentration was measured using a YSI probe and also by filtering samples and placing the filter in acetone. The acetone with filter paper was frozen over night as an alternative to sonicating the sample. Once in the lab the acetone was poured into a tube and the µg/L of acetone was measured using a fluorometer. This was converted to µg/L of seawater using µg/L acetone x (6/100).