Home Offshore Estuary Pontoon Habitat mapping


Group 5

The views expressed are those of the individuals concerned and do not express the views of the University of Southampton or those of the National Oceanography Centre Southampton.

Biological data Physical data

Click below to see a breakdown of our Pontoon data

Pontoon methodology

A YSI probe was used to measure the temp, O2, salinity, pH, turbidity and chl a every half an hour. The YSI probe measurements were taken at 1m intervals as deep as the tide would allow.

Measurements of current flow and PAR were measured every hour. Horizontal Niskin bottles were taken at two depths each hour, one at the surface and one at depth. 3 x 50ml water samples were filtered. The filters were then added to acetone for later analysis of chlorophyll back in  the lab.

Photo credit - members of Group 5