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- Black and Veatch Limited (BVL) (2011), Baseline Document for maintenance Dredging in Plymouth Sound and Estuaries European Marine Site, Natural England.

- Maps obtained from http://www.openstreetmap.org.

- Plymouth MPA - http://www.plymouth-mpa.uk.


- Mommaerts J.P. (1969). On the distribution of major nutrients and phytoplankton in the Tamar estuary. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 49,749-765.

- Morris A.W., Bale A.J., Howland R.J.M. (1981). Nutrient distributions in an estuary: evidence of chemical precipitation of dissolved silicate and phosphate. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 12 (2), 205-216.


- Plymouth Sound Chart, Accessed 10/07/2019 http://fishing-app.gpsnauticalcharts.com/i-boating-fishing-web-app/fishing-marine-charts-navigation.html?title=Plymouth+Sound+and+Approaches+boating+app#14/50.3278/-4.1854.

- Parry, D. M., Kendall, M. A., Rowden, A. A. and Widdicombe, S. (1999) “Species body size distribution patterns of marine benthic macrofauna assemblages from contrasting sediment types,” Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press, 79(5), pp. 793–801. doi: 10.1017/S0025315499000971.


- Holligan, P. M., & Harbour, D. S. (1977). The vertical distribution and succession of phytoplankton in the western English Channel in 1975 and 1976. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom57(4), 1075-1093.

- Pingree, R. D., Holligan, P. M., & Mardell, G. T. (1978). The effects of vertical stability on phytoplankton distributions in the summer on the northwest European Shelf. Deep Sea Research25(11), 1011-1028.

- Rippeth, T.P., Palmer, M.R., Simpson, J.H., Fisher, N.R. and Sharples, J., 2005. Thermocline mixing in summer stratified continental shelf seas. Geophysical Research Letters32(5).

- van Haren, H., Maas, L., Zimmerman, J.T.F., Ridderinkhof, H. and Malschaert, H., 1999. Strong inertial currents and marginal internal wave stability in the central North Sea. Geophysical Research Letters26(19), pp.2993-2996.