Plymouth Field Trip 2019 - Group 1

Home Tamar Estuary Offshore Geophysics References


Home Tamar Estuary Offshore Geophysics References


Korda, R.C., Hills, J.M. and Gray, T.S., (2008). Fishery decline in Utila: Disentangling the web of governance. Marine Policy, 32(6), pp.968-979.

Milne, A. (1938). The Ecology of the Tamar Estuary III. Salinity and Temperature Conditions in the Lower Estuary. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 22(2), 529-542.

Paytan, A. and McLaughlin, K., (2007). The oceanic phosphorus cycle. Chemical Reviews, 107(2), pp.563-576.

Plymouth-MPA. (2014). Plymouth Sound & Tamar Estuaries - Plymouth MPA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jul. 2019].

R.J. Uncles, R.C.A. Elliott, S.A. Weston Observed fluxes of water, salt and suspended sediment in a partly mixed estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,Volume 20, Issue 2, 1985, Pages 147-167

Smith, D.W. and Piedrahita, R.H., 1998. The relation between phytoplankton and dissolved oxygen in fish ponds. Aquaculture, 68(3), pp.249-265.


Anderson, L. A. & Saermiento, J. L., 1944. Redfield ratios of remineralisation determined by nutrient data analysis. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 8(1), pp. 65-80.

Brandini, F. P. et al., 2014. Deep Chlorophyll maximum and plankton community response to oceanic bottom instrusions on the continental shelf in the South Brazilian Bight. Continental Shelf Research, Volume 89, pp. 61-75.

Doty, M.S. and Oguri, M., 1956. The island mass effect. ICES Journal of Marine Science22(1), pp.33-37.

Hewitt, J.E., Thrush, S.F., Halliday, J. And Duffy, c., 2005. The importance of small scale habitat structire for maintaining beta diversity. Ecology, 86(6), pp. 1619-1626.

Le Boyer, A., Cambon, G., Daniault, N., Herbette, S., Le Cann, B., Marié, L. and Morin, P. (2009). Observations of the Ushant tidal front in September 2007. Continental Shelf Research, 29(8), pp.1026-1037.

Probyn, T. & Painting, S., 1985. Nitrogen uptake by size-fractionated phytoplankton populations in Antartic surface waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 30(6), pp. 1327-1332.

Rippeth, T. P. et al., 2005. Thermocline mixing in summer stratifed continental seas. Geophysical research letters, 32(5), pp. 33-37..

Sharples, J. (2007). Potential impacts of the spring-neap tidal cycle on shelf sea primary production. Journal of Plankton Research, 30(2), pp.183-197.

Smyth, T., Fishwick, J., AL-Moosawi, L., Cummings, D., Harris, C., Kitidis, V., Rees, A., Martinez-Vicente, V. and Woodward, E. (2009). A broad spatio-temporal view of the Western English Channel observatory. Journal of Plankton Research, 32(5), pp.585-601.

Osterroht, C. and Thomas, H., 2000. New production enhanced by nutrient supply from non-Redfield remineralisation of freshly produced organic material. Journal of Marine Systems. Journal of Marine Systems, 25(1), pp.33-46.

White, A. E. W.-B. K. S., Engle, M. A., Burkhardt, B. & Paytan, A., 2012. Characterization of the rate and temperature sensitivities of bacterial remineralization of dissolved organic phosphorus compunds by natural populations. Aquatic Microbiology, Volume 3, pp. 276-289.