A CTD was deployed at 5 different sites from the breakwater to the E1 station, also bypassing the L4 station (, 2018). Temperature, salinity, fluorescence were recorded to create a depth profile in order to compare the sites. Once deployed, firing depths for the Niskin bottles were determined, these collected water samples which were prepared in the wet lab for further lab analysis once back on shore. From these samples the nitrate (μmol/L), nitrite (μmol/L), silicon (μmol/L), phosphate (μmol/L) oxygen concentrations (μmol/L) and phytoplankton could be recorded. Vertical nets were also deployed at specific depths to collect zooplankton samples. The ADCP was used to visualise the water column locate phytoplankton by analysing the amount of backscatter as well as providing flow speed data.


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