There was no significant change in pH over the time series which is as expected. The salinity, figure 7, on the other hand decreased almost linearly over time because the tide was initially going out and therefore salt water was moving out of the estuary making the water fresher. However after this period, when the tide started to come back in, the salinity would be expected to rise again.

 The initial findings of the pontoon sampling show water column changes that would be expected given the effect of the tide however a fuller time series will be obtained by collaborating all groups’ results giving a longer time series.

The views expressed above are those of the authors and not those of the University of Southampton or the National Oceanography Centre Southampton.


1Haxeltine, A. and Prentice, I. 1996. A general model for the light-use efficiency of primary production. Functional Ecology, 10(5),pp.551-554.Availableat: [Accessed: 29/06/13].

Temperature (figure 5) at 1 or 2m depth was reasonably constant, varying by less than 1°C over the time series; however at the surface there were two larger increases in temperature at 14:20 and 15:20. The latter could be linked to the decrease in cloud cover as that would increase the infrared radiation reaching the surface water. The dissolved oxygen concentration, shown in figure 6, generally decreased from 12:50 to 14:50 but this was followed by a large increase. Although dissolved oxygen usually decreases with an increase in temperature, when the temperature greatly increased between 14:50 and 15:20 dissolved oxygen also increases. This coincides with the maximum in irradiance which is known to lead to a rise in primary production1, it is also possible that the increase in temperature increased the rate of photosynthesis and therefore more dissolved oxygen was released.


For a large proportion of the sampling time the cloud cover was greater than five octants except for the final sample when coverage dropped to three octants which correlates with surface irradiance, figure 1. In contrast to this deep water irradiance, shown in figure 2, was lowest at 13:20 and 13:50 UTC during slack water when the flow rate, figure 3, was slowest and therefore there was likely a higher concentration of suspended matter in the water column. The flow rate at the surface was low for all samples and did not exceed 0.08ms-1; however flow rate was not able to be taken at depths below this due to a technical error. Figure 4 shows that at 13:50 and 14:20 light attenuation coefficient, k, was at a maximum of 1.7 meaning the light was not attenuating as far into the water column as when k had a lower values. This approximately agrees with the irradiance and flow data and therefore high values of k may also be due to larger volumes of suspended particles.


As a complement to the estuarine data collected on Bill Conway, physical parameters were measured at the Pontoon in the upper reaches of Fal estuary, situated next to the King Harry Ferry crossing. As the transition zone between fresh and salt water, estuaries are well-known to have unique physical parameters strongly influenced by tidal mixing.

The aim of the investigation was to collect a time series of these various physical measurements in order to compare change over part of the tidal cycle in the estuary.


Parameters were measured as a time series over part of the tidal cycle, with measurements taking place every half an hour, at 20 past and 10 to the hour, over the course of 2.5 hours. These measurements included depth of light penetration into the water using a Secchi disk, surface and depth irradiance using a Li-Cor data logger and using a YSI multiprobe to record temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (% saturation and mg/l) and pH. The secchi disk depth was converted to k using the equation k=1.44/secchi depth. Low tide occurred during the course of the sampling period and hence measurements were only able to be taken at the surface and 1m depth for most samples.

Date: 26/06/13

Start time: 12:50

End time: 15:20

Data taken at 30 minute intervals

Location: 50°12.57'N 005°01.39'W  

Cloud cover: 7/8 until 14:20 then decreased; 6/8 at 14:50 and 3/8 at 15:20.

High tide of 5.1m at 08:20(UTC) with respect to Falmouth.


Pontoon Location

Figure 3. Surface flow rate of water around the pontoon for each sample time.

Figure 7. Salinity at meter intervals for all sampled times.

Figure 6. Dissolved oxygen concentration at meter intervals for all sample times.

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