NOC, Southampton

Falmouth Marine School

Falmouth Field Study

Equipment & Methods Offshore study Benthic Habitat Study Estuarine Study

Emma Cavan

Eleanna Grammatopoulou

Amanda Holt

Mira Stenman

James Heffernan

Group 7


With help from Tom & Jo

Katie Skidmore

Phil Burchell

Luke Thomas

Jack Harrison

James Paddock




Falmouth is situated on the south coast of Cornwall named after the river Fal ( The coast is crucial for the areas economy by attracting tourists due to a vast range of activities such as fishing, farming and ship building (Howard et al., 2003). The Fal estuary is considered to be one of the largest natural harbours in the world, i.e. Carrick Roads (Langston et al., 2006). The estuary has been described as macrotidal at the mouth, but has been observed to be mesotidal further up-river towards Truro. The wetlands on the upper part of Fal estuary are important marine habitats which support rich flora and fauna communities, but have been also subject to contamination by polymetallic mining activity (Pirrie et al., 2003). After a major pollution event during 1992, i.e. Wheal Jane incident (Younger, 2002), the estuaries wetlands were characterised as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) (Langston et al., 2006).  Due to the important environmental features and the contamination issues, Falmouth has attracted the interest of the scientific community creating a long list of relevant research. The aim of our survey is to provide additional information on the Fal estuary and surrounding waters and to consolidate our findings with existing data.





CTD is an acronym for Conductivity, Temperature and Depth. It measures distribution and variation of water temperature, salinity and density. A CTD is often attached to a rosette and lowered to the surface via a cable. Another cable is attached to a computer on board the ship and the CTD so it can be controlled by the computer. Samples are taken at regular intervals over a range of known depths. CTDs are often very accurate but each small probe has to be calibrated individually. CTDs are often associated with Niskin bottles attached to the rosette which collect water samples at wanted depths.


An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, commonly known as an ADCP, is an instrument used to measure the speed of water through the water column.  It uses the principle of the Doppler Effect to measure the speed of the water particles.  The device emits a series of high frequency ‘pings’ into the water column which are scattered and reflected by particles and the returning sound waves are recorded by the ADCP.  These returning waves will have a different frequency to the original emitted waves due to the Doppler Effect.  If particles are moving away from the instrument the reflected sound waves return with a slightly lower frequency.  If the particles, however, are moving towards the instrument then the returning sound waves have a higher frequency.  This Doppler shift effect allows for the speed and direction of a current to be calculated.  ADCPs emit four beams of sound, one pair measuring E-W vertical velocity with the second pair measuring north-south vertical velocity.   An ADCP can be left running to track the movement of the ship and provide data on the bathymetry of the sea bed.


A transmissometer measures the turbidity of water by measuring the fraction of light which reaches a light detector at a set distance from the source. The fraction of light, from the collimated source reaching the detector is converted to the beam attenuation coefficient (c). The light not reaching the detector is due to absorption and scattering by the water particles. The more light that reaches the detector, the less turbid the water. The percentage transmission is found from the following equation:

% transmission = (100%)e-cz  (where z is the length of the light beam)


Niskin Bottles

Niskin bottles are used to take water samples at depth without the issue of contamination.  They are often deployed on a hydroline made of reinforced steel with a messenger weight.  The bottle is attached to the line and lowered into the water via a winch system with both ends held open by rubber bands or wire.  A pressure sensor is usually attached to the bottle as it is lowered as this gives an accurate depth reading.  When the bottle reaches the sample depth the messenger weight is dropped down the hydroline and hits the top of the bottle.  This collision disturbs the bands holding the bottle open and therefore both ends close.  The bottle is then returned to the surface.  More than one Niskin bottle can be used at once on one hydroline with the first messenger creating a cascade effect of messenger weights further down the line.  If working in deeper water a large number of Niskin bottles can be attached to a rosette, often accompanied by a CTD.  They are held open by a number of pins which can be remotely controlled from the vessel.  This allows for bottles to be closed at different depths and if a large sample is required 3 or 4 bottles can be closed in tandem.

Van Veen grab 

Collects large samples of sediment through two grabs which are clamped shut and returned to the surface. It is operated on the ship. The amount of sediment in the grab depends on the type of sediment being sampled. Living organisms on the sea bed which are caught are returned after observations.


Secchi disk 

The diameter of a secchi disk is between 20-30cm. It is lowered into the ocean by a wire and the depth it is lowered to is dependant on the operator. When the secchi disk has disappeared from view then the secchi disk length (Zs) can be measured. The euphotic zone depth (Ze) can be found by the following equation: Ze = 3Zs



Fluorometers indicate chlorophyll levels in the water so are therefore an indication of plankton. They measure the amount of fluorescent radiation produced by a sample exposed to monochromatic radiation. Light is collected at a 90° angle from the excitation direction. A photomultiplier tube is often used as a detector.


Plankton Nets

There are two types of plankton net that are used over the course of the field trip, a vertical closing end net and a bongo net.  A vertical closing end net is lowered into the water column and then slowly pulled back up to the surface. A remote control is used to close the net at a given depth.  This allows for specific sampling within a thermocline for example.  It has a diameter of 60cm and a 200μm mesh.  A bongo net is trawled behind the ship for a short period of time just below the surface and consists of two separate nets attached to one another.  Both nets have a 60cm diameter but have different mesh sizes.  There is a coarser 200μm net and a finer 100μm net.



Side Scan Sonar

This instrument is used to identify the bathymetry of a river or sea bed.  A ‘tow fish’ is deployed from a vessel and towed at around 8 knots.  The sonar beam hits the sea bed and reflects back to the fish.  The frequencies used in the majority of side scan sonars range from 100 to 500 khz, with higher frequencies providing a better resolution but a smaller range.  The sonar creates a black and white image of the sea bed which can illustrate the presence of bed forms, both natural and anthropogenic.  The image created can also identify the type of sediment making up the sea bed along the track as well as depth, height and width of bed forms and even large shoals of fish.

Sea-sickness tablets



Analytical Methods

Silicon Analysed manually in the lab using Parsons & Lalli (1984) method with a Hitachi U1500 spectrophotometer at 810nm.
Phosphate Analysed manually in the lab using Parsons & Lalli (1984) method with a Hitachi U1800 spectrophotometer at 882nm.
Nitrate Samples were analysed for nitrate content with a flow injection method, Johnson & Petty (1983).
Dissolved Oxygen Grasshoff et al. (1999) method, with particular care taken when collecting and storing samples to avoid contamination.
Chlorophyll a Two sources of chlorophyll data were used in the Offshore and Estuarine practicals. fluorometry values from the CTD were converted to chlorophyll concentrations to give a high-resolution vertical profile, and samples from the Niskin bottles were also analysed to support the CTD data, Parsons & Lalli (1984).
Phytoplankton Phytoplankton samples were stained with Lugols solution and settled overnight. They were then concentrated from 100ml to 10ml sub-samples for analysis under a light microscope.
Zooplankton Zooplankton samples were preserved using formalin overnight. Later, the samples were inverted repeatedly to unsettle the biomass from the bottom, and then 2ml was transferred to a Bogorov cell for analysis under a light microscope.
Ri Number The Richardson number (Ri) gives an indication as to where mechanical mixing is likely to be taking place in the water column and where stratification prevents turbulence (Bob2010). When this number is below 0.25 the water column can be said to be mixed, and above 1  stable. Between the two there is a transition stage. Ri is essentially the ratio of stratification to the square of shear in the horizontal current:

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Offshore Study



Ancillary data

Vessel Information

To study how vertical mixing processes in the waters off Falmouth affect, directly and indirectly, the structure and functional properties of plankton communities.

Date: 01/07/2010

Weather: Rain with 8/8 oktas

Tides: HW: 4.7m at 0805 GMT
LW: 1.9m at 1430 GMT

Sea State: Rough

RV Callista is largest of the three research vessels used in Falmouth.  It is 19.75m long with a twin hull and a 1.80m draft.  It has a maximum cruising speed of about 15 knots and a range of 400 nautical miles.  Being a research vessel it has a large A frame at the stern which has a 4 tonne capacity capable of deploying a CTD rosette system as well as plankton nets and grabs. It has two side mounted davits which have 100kg capacities.  The vessel can carry 30 passengers at one time as well as a small crew of 3 and is equipped with both wet and dry labs which contain microscopes and computer monitors along with other sampling equipment. This makes it an ideal vessel for sample collection and analysis out on the water.

Google Earth map of the six stations

The importance of vertical mixing on plankton communities is related to nutrients. During summer, when nutrients are typically depleted in the surface waters, the degree to which nutrients (esp. N and Si) can be cycled up from depth is directly related to the abundance of phytoplankton – the basis of all plankton communities.

Using the Callista survey vessel and the equipment listed above, six discrete sites were sampled along the coastal waters of the western English Channel. Data from each site were processed in order to determine the amount of vertical mixing and biological activity present, and then further analyzed to determine how the variables are related.

Each station was initially sampled with a vertical CTD and ADCP profile, which were then used to determine where, or if, water samples should be taken. Niskin bottles were then fired at depth as the CTD ascended. These samples were later analyzed in the lab for plankton abundance, as well as nutrient content (N, P, Si), dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a.





Station 1: Black Rock Time: 0828 GMT
Latitude: 50°08.053 N
Longitude: 005°01.524 W
Depth: 18.0m
Wind: 190°, 5.2m/s
Cloud Cover: 8 Oktas






Fig. 1a: Nutrient profile

Fig. 1b: Oxygen saturation depth profile

The water column at this station was relatively shallow, with a depth of 18.0m. The CTD data showed that temperature dropped by only 1oC from 14.5°C at the surface (little or no thermocline) and the salinity was constant at approximately 35.0 through the profile (see Fig. 1a). Fluorometer readings indicate a maximum phytoplankton abundance between 5 and 10m, and the figure slightly decreases with depth below this range. Both the nitrate and silicate concentrations decreased with depth, with nitrate decreasing from 1.24μM to 1.09 μM and silicate decreasing from 1.13μM to 0.96μM down the profile (see Fig. 1a), however, only two samples were taken, above and below the chlorophyll maximum, so an expected peak may have been missed. The phosphate concentration was uniform, with a concentration of 0.01μM throughout the water column (see Fig. 1a). No phytoplankton were observed in the samples from this station under a light microscope, though it is likely that they were too small or they weren’t stained effectively by the Lugols solution. The fluorometry readings indicate a chlorophyll maximum of 0.78µg/L at 10.0m (see Fig. 7d), which can be used to indicate phytoplankton abundance. The Depth Average Chlorophyll was 0.56µg/L. Zooplankton samples were taken from 14m depth to the surface in a vertical profile. It was found that the zooplankton community was dominated by the Copepoda, with an average frequency of 6881.31m-3 (see Fig. 8b). Aside from the Copepoda, the Cladocera were the most abundant zooplankton group. Station 1 shows a nearly uniform distribution of oxygen with a slight peak at 105.6% saturation, near the seabed at 15.6m (see Fig. 1b). This was a well mixed station so a euphotic depth of 21.3m is similar to what would be expected for coastal waters, the chlorophyll measurements from the fluorometer show a range of peaks, with a maxima from 6-8 meters, and another smaller peak at 18.0m, thus showing that light levels are sufficient for photosynthesis to occur at 18m, which is consistent with the calculated euphotic depth. The Attenuation coefficient is again similar to the figure expected at the mouth of an Estuary where a  well mixed water column with higher levels of suspended Particulate matter are usually found, it is similar to station 6.

Fig. 1c: ADCP plot



Station 1 showed no significant thermocline or halocline, indicating a well mixed water column which is expected of this station as it was closer to the shore than other stations studied. The results for chlorophyll indicate that the phytoplankton were the least abundant at this station. Since lower nutrient levels can be associated with higher phytoplankton levels at other stations (Stations 2 and 5), it can be concluded that zooplankton grazing is limiting the phytoplankton abundance, since the Copepoda abundance was the second highest value observed in this study at this station. The silicate and nitrate concentrations decreased with depth, possibly due to the deep chlorophyll maximum (between 5 and 10m). At this station, our secchi disc and CTD data show that the light levels are sufficient for photosynthesis at a depth of 18m, which would tie in with the relatively deep chlorophyll maxima that was observed.


Station 2: The Bellows Time: 0950 GMT
Latitude: 50°11.114 N
Longitude: 004°47.967 W
Depth: 56m
Wind: 187°, 8.2m/s
Cloud Cover: 8 Oktas






Fig. 2a: ADCP plot

Fig. 2b: Chlorophyll

Fig. 2c: Ri Numbers


The water column depth at this station was 56.0m. Similar to Station 1 there was limited change in the salinity with depth. The surface temperature was 14.6°C. There was a greater difference in surface and bottom temperatures at this station of approximately 2.5oC, which could be due to deeper waters (see Fig. 2d). The salinity increased from 33.3 at the surface to approximately 35.0 at 46.0m (see Fig. 2d). There is also a clearly defined fluorometry reading maximum at this station than at others; the value increased from 1.2 to over 2 volts in the first 25m of water. The nitrate concentration decreased with depth, with a peak low value of 0.73µM at 26.0m. The silicate concentration also decreased with depth, with a peak low value of 0.64µM at 26.0m (see Fig. 2d). At the first station only two Niskin bottles were fired so it is hard to determine whether the nutrients recovered deeper down.  At this station however, the concentration of both of these nutrients increases with increased depth. At this station there was no change in the concentration of phosphate which remained at 0.01μM (see Fig. 2d). No phytoplankton were observed under a light microscope for Station 2 samples. Fluorometry readings and analysis of water samples were used to calculate chlorophyll concentrations at this station. The fluorometry readings follow a similar pattern to those of the water sample calculations. The water sample chlorophyll concentrations show a peak of 1.26µg/L at 26.0m (see Fig. 2b). The Depth Average Chlorophyll was 0.69µg/L (see Table 2). Two vertical profiles were conducted for zooplankton, one from 34m depth and one from 20m depth. The Copepoda frequency was highest at both stations, at 19469.03m-3 from 20m to the surface. From 34m to the surface the Copepoda frequency was lower, at 14177.94m-3 (see Fig. 8b). Aside from the Copepoda, the Cladocera were the most abundant zooplankton group in both samples. Station 2 shows a defined oxygen saturation peak of 106.8% at 26.3m, approximately halfway down the water column (see Fig. 2e). The euphotic depth is 24.3, which is the deepest from all the stations measured, the water column at this site was more stratified. There was a peak in chlorophyll just above the bottom of the euphotic zone at 23m with a decrease in chlorophyll present at deeper depths, indicating that the euphotic zone does appear to finish around that depth.

The average Ri at station 2 was 85.198, this is the highest value of the two stations, showing there is less mechanical mixing throughout the water column at this station. Fig. 2c shows a very stable layer within the water column starting at around 17m; this is consistent with fig 7b which shows a strong thermocline at around 10m. There is some mechanical mixing occurring at the surface, likely due to wave action; with Ri values lower than 0.25.


Fig. 2d: Nutrient profile

Fig. 2e: Oxygen saturation depth profile


At Station 2 there was a well-defined thermocline and halocline, indicating early stages of water column stratification as it was relatively further offshore. Furthermore, the lowest silicate and nitrate peaks were observed, which may be limiting the phytoplankton abundance. The chlorophyll data suggests the phytoplankton abundance was relatively low. However, a major factor in the limited phytoplankton abundance is the zooplankton, which far exceeded other stations in terms of abundance, and were grazing on the phytoplankton. The nitrate and silicate concentrations decreased with depth, possibly due to the uptake of nutrients by phytoplankton, which (according to the chlorophyll maximum on the CTD data (See Fig. .)) are most abundant fairly deep below the surface. The euphotic zone is the deepest of all stations here, at 24.3m, which ties in with the chlorophyll data which is at its maximum just above this depth at 23m and starts to decline after this depth.


Station 3: Off the Manacles Time: 1140 GMT
Latitude: 50°04.799 N
Longitude: 005°02.020 W
Depth 45.4m
Wind 200°, 7.5m/s
Cloud Cover: 8 Oktas





Fig. 3a: Nutrient profile

Fig. 3b: Oxygen saturation depth profile


The water column depth at this station was 45.4m. The temperature decreased from 14.9°C at 1.0m to 11.9oC at 40.0m, but the salinity stays constant at approximately 35.0 (see Fig 3a). At this station there is a different pattern in the nutrient concentrations to the two previous stations; the concentrations are at their lowest at the surface. At this station the nutrients are depleted in the surface 10m, but as with station 2, they increase below the fluorometry reading maximum. Station 3 had the highest nitrate and silicate values of all stations; nitrate increased with depth, reaching a peak of 7.65µM at 45.0m, and silicate peaked at 1.69μM at 45.0m (see Fig.3a), also increasing with depth. Despite an increase in the concentration, the phosphate value peaked at 0.01µM, as with other stations (see Fig. 3a). Only two diatoms were counted at this station, from a sample taken at 41m. Fluorometry readings and analysis of water samples were used to calculate chlorophyll concentrations at this station. The fluorometry readings follow a similar pattern to those of the water sample calculations, but at noticeably different concentrations. The water sample chlorophyll concentrations show a peak of 0.86µg/L at 23.7m (see Fig 8a). The Depth Average Chlorophyll was 0.87µg/L (see Table 8). We conducted a horizontal zooplankton trawl at the near surface between Stations 3 and 4 using a Bongo net, resulting in two simultaneous samples, one of 100µm mesh size, and the other of 200µm. Between Stations 3 and 4, the Copepoda frequency was lowest, at 1589.26m-3 with the 100µm mesh and 1542.37m-3 with the 200µm mesh (see Fig. 8b), however they still dominated the zooplankton community, followed by the Cladocera. Station 3 shows a very well defined oxygen saturation peak of 114.4% at 23.7m, approximately halfway down the water column (see Fig 3b). The current was too strong at this site for accurate secchi disc data to be recorded.


Fig. 3c: ADCP plot

Fig. 3d: Chlorophyll


At Station 3 there was no halocline but a slight thermocline was present. Station 3 was more offshore so may be experiencing slight stratification of the water column. The lack of halocline may be due to the lack of influence of riverine input compared with more inshore stations. Station 3 showed the highest nitrate and silicate concentrations of all stations, and may account for the fairly high depth average chlorophyll, and second highest chlorophyll maximum (See Fig. 3d), indicating relatively high levels of phytoplankton. Due to technical difficulties, no vertical zooplankton profile was conducted, so the zooplankton cannot be studied in relation with the phytoplankton. Nitrates and silicates increased with depth, since below the chlorophyll maximum approximately halfway down the water column, fewer phytoplankton were taking up nutrients, however this would not explain the increase between the surface and the chlorophyll maximum. This could instead be explained by the production and downward flux of faecal pellets and other organic matter containing nutrients into deeper waters from the surface. It is also possible that the phytoplankton are not nutrient limited, since the concentrations are exceptionally high, and the nutrient distribution is determined by other factors, although further study would be required to confirm this. The relatively high dissolved oxygen content of the water column can be attributed to the high phytoplankton abundance and activity, producing waste oxygen.

Station 4: Helmouth Time: 1246 GMT
Latitude: 50°05.825 N
Longitude: 005°03.995 W
Depth: 17.8m
Wind: 184°, 9.4m/s
Cloud Cover: 8 Oktas





Fig. 4a: ADCP plot


The water column depth at this station was 17.8m. As before, the salinity at this station was constant. There is a temperature decrease of approximately1oC over the entire water column from 14.4°C at the surface, which is not as strong as in stations 2 and 3 (see Fig. 4b). The salinity is approximately 35.0 throughout the water column. The nutrient profile for station 4 is different from all other stations; after the maximum reading from the fluorometer the concentration of nitrate decreased with depth, with a low peak of 1.45 µM at 15.6m (see Fig. 4b), while silicate increased with depth, with a peak value of 1.33µM at 15.6m (see Fig 4b). Phosphate, again, was uniformly low at 0.01 µM and there was no change with depth (see Fig 4b). No phytoplankton were observed under a light microscope for Station 4 samples. The fluorometry readings indicate a chlorophyll maximum of 0.68µg/L at 10.0m (see Fig. 8a), which can be used to indicate phytoplankton abundance. The Depth Average Chlorophyll was 0.60µg/L (see Table 8). No zooplankton samples were taken at station 4, instead a horizontal trawl was conducted between stations 3 and 4. The current was too strong at this site for accurate secchi disc data to be recorded.


Fig. 4b: Nutrient profile


There was no significant thermocline or halocline at Station 4, indicating a well mixed water column similar to other more inshore stations. There were relatively few phytoplankton at this station; the chlorophyll data shows this station had the lowest chlorophyll maximum of all stations (near the seabed) and a relatively low depth average chlorophyll value. The nitrate concentration decreased with depth, probably due to uptake by phytoplankton, and the silicate increased with depth. This may be due to a relative lack of diatoms which utilize silicate, so silicates are instead affected by abiotic factors. No vertical zooplankton samples were taken, so it cannot be confirmed that the low phytoplankton abundance is caused by grazing, although this is a possibility.

Station 5: Helford River Time: 1309 GMT
Latitude: 50°05.817 N
Longitude: 005°06.347 W
Depth: 5.8m
Wind: 192°, 3.8m/s
Cloud Cover: 8 Oktas





Fig. 5a: Nutrient profile


The water column depth at this station was 5.8m. The water column was slightly warmer than it was at station 4 (14.4°C at the near surface), but the difference between the surface and bottom temperatures is the same (1oC). The salinity slightly increases from 34.9 at the surface to 35.0 at 5m(see Fig 5a). The nitrate and silicate profiles correspond to the changes in salinity, while fluorometry readings and phosphate concentrations correspond to the temperature profile. The nitrate concentrations were low compared to other stations and increased with depth, peaking at 0.78μM at 5.2m (see Fig 5a). The bottom value of silicate on the other hand, was the second highest out of all stations (1.67μM) and increased with depth. Phosphate follows the trend it set in the previous four stations; it falls below detection levels at the bottom and the higher value is low (0.01μM) (see Fig 5a). Three diatoms were counted in samples taken from this station, from 1.47m depth. The fluorometry readings indicate a chlorophyll maximum of 1.95µg/L at 1.0m (see Fig 8a), which can be used to indicate phytoplankton abundance. The Depth Average Chlorophyll was 1.78µg/L (see Table 8). The chlorophyll concentrations at this station were higher than that of other stations. No zooplankton samples were taken at Station 5, since ADCP and CTD data showed a relative lack of plankton abundance (See Fig 5b). The dissolved oxygen profile of Station 5 is not uniform compared to Stations 1 and 4, with a peak of 107.9% near the seabed at 5.2m; an increase of 2.8% from 1.5m. This site was very shallow, as it was into the Helford Estuary, the euphotic zone continues to the sea bed. The attenuation coefficient is higher than at the other sights, at 0.36. This is most likely due to the increased turbulence within the Estuary which was nearing the end of a flood tide.


Fig. 5b: ADCP plot


The Depth Average Chlorophyll was highest at Station 5, indicating the highest phytoplankton levels studied at these stations. No zooplankton samples were taken, however ADCP data shows a relative lack of zooplankton in the water column compared with other stations (See Fig 5b), which could explain the relatively high abundance of phytoplankton; there was limited grazing by zooplankton. It can also be concluded that nitrate values are the lowest at this station due to the high abundance of phytoplankton. Both nitrate and silicate increased with depth, which can be explained by the surface activity of phytoplankton. The chlorophyll maximum is at 1.0m, so nutrients are taken up at the surface and are thus depleted compared with deeper waters, which have fewer phytoplankton. There was no significant thermocline or halocline at this station, indicating a well mixed water column. Unlike all other stations, the dissolved oxygen does not correspond to phytoplankton activity in the vertical profile of Station 5. Instead the saturation peak is at the seabed. The euphotic zone extends to the sea bed due to the shallowness of the water, so potentially photosynthesis could happen throughout the water column, providing a potential explanation for the high oxygen levels near the sea bed.


Station 6: Falmouth River Time: 1347 GMT
Latitude: 50°07.717 N
Longitude: 005°03.354 W
Depth: 17.1m
Wind: 188°, 6.8m/s
Cloud Cover: 8 Oktas

Fig. 6a: ADCP plot

Fig. 6b: Ri Numbers


The water column depth at this station was 17.1m. Station 6 was outside the estuary, close to Black Rock (station 1) and this shows in the salinity profile, which is back to being uniform. The temperature decreases from 16.5°C at the surface to 14.3°C at 12.5m (see Fig 6c). The thermocline is slight again, as it has been for previous stations and the fluorometry reading remains at similar levels through the profile. The salinity increases from approximately 34.8 at the surface to 35.0 at 12.5m (see Fig 6c). The pattern for nitrate and silicate is the same as it was at station 4, but the values are reversed; nitrate increases from the surface to the seabed (from 1.14 to 1.96μM) and silicate decreases (1.30 to 0.99μM) (see Fig 6c). The concentration of phosphate is 0.01μM for both sampled depths; staying constant through the water column (see Fig 6c). No phytoplankton were observed under a light microscope for Station 6 samples. The fluorometry readings indicate a chlorophyll maximum of 0.81µg/L at 6.0m (see Fig 8a) , which can be used to indicate phytoplankton abundance. The Depth Average Chlorophyll was 0.73µg/L (see Table 8). No zooplankton samples were taken at station 6 due to time constraints. The oxygen saturation at Station 6 shows a similar pattern to that of Station 5, with a peak value of 109.2% approximately 5m above the seabed at 12.44m; an increase of 4.4% from 2.4m. Similar location to site 1, and has similar attenuation coefficients and euphotic depth. Although the water column is shallower at station 6 and it is very well mixed, with no real peaks in chlorophyll. The euphotic zone extends to the sea floor.

It is a well mixed station with an average Richardson Number of 36.39; this is lower than at station 2 indicating that it is less well mixed. However is still considered to have a very stable water column. Fig. 6b shows a peak in the Ri number at around 6 meters, which corresponds well with the slight thermocline found at this station seen in Fig. 7b. At the surface there is some mixing which is likely caused by the wave action with an average value of 0.07 in the first 4 meters thus below the Ri critical value of 0.25. Fig. 6b also shows how stable the water column is with very little change through out.


Fig. 6c: Nutrient profile




At Station 6 there was a slight thermocline, but no halocline, indicating very slight stratification as this station is slightly closer to the shore than other stations with a slight thermocline. The phytoplankton was reasonably abundant according to chlorophyll data, with a shallow chlorophyll maximum compared to Station 1, which was close to Station 6. This corresponds to the increase of nitrate concentration with depth, since uptake of nitrate occurs at a higher rate near the chlorophyll maximum. The silicate concentration decreases with depth. This may be because silicate is being excreted rapidly by the plankton in the surface layers, although further research would be required to confirm this. No zooplankton data were collected for this station, so the relationships between the plankton cannot be studied.


Vertical Profiles

Fig. 7a: Temp - Salinity

Fig. 7b: Temp - Depth


Fig. 7c: Salinity - Depth


Fig. 7d: Fluorometry - Depth


Depth Average Chlorophyll

















Fig. 8a: Chlorophyll - Depth for all Stations Table 8: Depth Average Chlorophyll for all Stations Fig. 8b: Zooplankton data for all Stations



In summary, there are clear relationships between biotic, abiotic and geographical factors along this area of the south-east coast of the UK. The stations closest to the shore tend to be well mixed compared to more offshore stations, due to surface and seabed turbulence causing mixing, leading to more thorough mixing of the water column in shallow waters. This affects the temperature and salinity as has been shown in the results and discussion. The phytoplankton at this time of year are relatively low generally, as the typical Spring bloom has passed, leading to depleted nutrients at depths which correspond to phytoplankton activity (especially near the chlorophyll maxima) and high numbers of zooplankton which feed on the phytoplankton.

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Benthic Habitat Mapping



Ancillary data

Vessel Information

To effectively survey and categorize benthic habitats in the Helford River using a range of geophysical and  biological techniques.

Date: 05/07/2010

Weather: Sunny with 2/8 cloud cover

Tides: HW 1100GMT, LW 1725GMT

Wind: 16knots average

Sea State: Calm

SV Xplorer: This vessel is ideal for both estuarine and offshore work. At 12m long and with a 1.20m draft it is able to navigate the mouth of a small estuary much easier than the larger Callista. It is also a much quicker vessel with a maximum speed of 25 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots. It is equipped with a 1 tonne capacity winch on the stern which is used for Van Veen Grab sampling. Side scan sonar tow fish are also deployed from this vessel. It can carry 14 passengers and the wheelhouse can double up as a dry lab where the progress of the side scan sonar can be monitored.



The Helford River is a ria, or a flooded river valley, fed by seven creeks. It supports many types of industries, for example different types of tourism and an oyster farm. Due to its importance to people and the organisms living within its environment, it has been a point of interest for both conservation and development groups. The Helford River is a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), a protected site under the EU Habitats Directive and is home to many rare species of marine life such as seahorses, gobies and wrasse.  It has gained status as a SAC due to its various interesting habitats including mud flats, sea inlets and sandbanks.  These different habitats support beds of the eelgrass, Zostera marina and two species of the red calcareous algae maerl, L. corallioides and P. calcareum, both of which are protected species.  The River incorporates the National Seal Sanctuary which takes on injured seals and nurses them back to health before later release back into the Atlantic Ocean. This River is also a designated Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) nursery. 

Two separate survey sites were chosen for our study.  One of these sites was a known eelgrass area and it was chosen in order to establish growth and abundance. Due to its status as a protected species, it is important that such an area of eelgrass is surveyed repeatedly. Eelgrass supports rich invertebrate communities and lives submerged in seawater in a range of habitat conditions and its survival is subject to water clarity, sedimentation and various forms of pollution (Langston et al., 2006). According to relevant literature (Covey et al., 1987) it has been observed that Zostera marina beds have disappeared from many areas while the ones that remain have been eroded. The effect of erosion on the eelgrass beds is seen in this survey as the eelgrass abundance was observed mainly in patches and not in extensive eelgrass beds.

Images from video trawl

Patchy Eelgrass More substantial Eelgrass Beds

Maerl beds around the UK, sites shown in blue.

The second site chosen was in the mouth of the Helford estuary.  This site was chosen as it would hopefully provide a different benthic habitat to that further up the estuary.  It was also presumed that this area would provide grabs containing maerl.  Maerl is a collective term for a group of red algae that form calcareous crusts on rocks, shells and other substrates. They can form extensive beds but are easily disturbed by changes in their surrounding environment, including temperature, salinity and heavy metal concentration of the water column. The Maerl beds usually consist of a mixture of two species of the algae, for example L. corallioides and P. calcareum. The exact combination of species can vary with different environments. The presence of Maerl beds has been a catalyst for the introduction of new conservation sites around the British Isles. This is due to it being threatened by environmental and anthropogenic pressures, such as the threat from industrial use as it is often dredged and turned into a powder for multiple used including a soil conditioner and in water treatment. Maerl is important in our ecosystems as it creates habitats for smaller organisms which live in the empty ‘shells’ of the Maerl, and it also affects the substrate as it contributes to biostabalisation on the sediment, making it more coarse.

Sidescan in Eelgrass beds, shown in red below

Sidescan in the Bay, shown in blue below

At both stations side scan sonar tracks were taken, 6 at the first site and only 2 at the second due to time constraints.  A drifting video trawl was also undertaken at both, allowing for a true view of the sea bed over which the tow fish had just been dragged.  Each time the fish was being towed along a transect two members of the group were positioned on the deck as observers to note down anything that may affect the sonar read out.  The wake of passing ships or the movement of moored buoys could create cloud like trails on the print out.  At the second site three grabs were performed using a Van Veen Grab.




Google Earth image of benthic mapping transects


Grab Location Time (GMT) Depth (m) Sediment type Organisms
1 50°05.845N, 005°05.708W 11:12 12.7
  • Medium – fine sand
  • Light brown
  • Uniform shape of sediment grains
  • Live/ dead maerl
  • Broken shells
  • Unidentified Amphipods
2 50°05.835N, 005°05.657W


  • Medium – fine sand
  • Light brown
  • Uniform shape of sediment grains
  • Patch of anoxic sediment
  • Large shells, 3/4cm in size
  • Dead bivalves
  • Live maerl
  • Bivalve - Donacidae
3 50°05.922N, 005° 05.907W 11:52 12.1
  • Coarse/Mixed/Shingle sediment
  • Larger rocks
  • Neriedae polychaetes
  • Hermit crab
  • Liocarcinus arcuatus
  • Ophiuroid brittle stars (Ophiothrix fragilis)
  • Brown algae
  • Bivalves
  • Amphipods
  • Janiridae isopod



By studying two separate sample areas we are able to make a comparison between the variability in the sea bed topography and its benthic habitats. Whereas the transects in the mouth of the river showed a relatively homogenous sea bed of medium sized sediment with patches of fine, the other sample area further up the estuary produced a sidescan track with a more variable sea bed. In this area there were small areas of rock debris very close into the shore which will have broken off the surrounding cliffs. Being this close to the cliffs produces a unique habitat as it provides shelter and a rocky substrate with plenty of crevices for organisms to live and hide in. One area of our plot was hard to decipher as it could have been either rock debris or yet another patch of sea grass. Therefore it has been labelled as a mixture of the two as it is impossible to determine without video analysis. The majority of the rest of the sea bed at this site consists of fine and medium sediment with an area of coarse sediment at the eastern end of the transects. There were a lot less living organisms further out into the bay than compared with in the more sheltered part of the estuary where the video showed the sea grass. This may be because they are more exposed to the rough seas here. It may be that had we taken grabs closer to the rock faces in the bay, we would have come across more biota, on a more rocky sediment, more similar to further up the estuary.

The study area further up the estuary is a designated SAC site due to the presence of protected eel grass meadows according to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Using an ADCP and sector scan we were able to determine areas in which sea grass was growing. A video trawl was then undertaken to establish whether the grasses were in a good state and the boundary was discovered at 50°06.0150N, 005°06.6833W. We then saw a large area of healthy sea grass close in to the shore, possibly protected from the quicker currents present in the centre of the estuary by a small headland. Sea grass grows best in slower moving water and the ADCP data collected on the Xplorer backs this up. Unfortunately, due to the constraints by the conservation committee, we were not allowed to take grabs at the sites of the sea grass so cannot be entirely sure what other organisms are living in and around it, but it is possible for wide varieties of sea life to flourish here; if more video studies were conducted in this area we could inspect some of the other life present. It is possible, due to the favourable conditions in the estuary, the shelter from being close to the rock face and the fact that researches cannot disturb them, that a huge diversity of plant and animal life is present here, all part of an intricate food web and ecosystem. It may be that certain fish species use the sea grass beds themselves for shelter and/or nursing grounds for their offspring. We also have no idea, even using the video, of what organisms are living in the sediments in this area, but they also play a huge role in the ecosystem here as they affect the composition and structure of the sediments.

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Estuarine Study



Ancillary Data

Vessel Information

To study how the biological, chemical and physical processes interact within the Fal estuary

Date: 09/07/10

Weather: Sunny, 2 Oktas

Tides: LW 0805 GMT,

HW 1415 GMT

Sea State: Calm 


The Bill Conway is a smaller vessel than RV Callista with a length of 11.34m and a beam of 3.96m. Its full load draft is 1.4m making the Conway an ideal vessel to navigate up small estuaries. It has an average speed of around 10 knots which makes it perfect for estuarine work. Two crew and twelve scientists can be carried on the Bill Conway at any one time allowing enough space for samples to be collected. The A frame on the Bill Conway is 3m high and its maximum capacity is 750kg which is ample for any sample collected within an estuary. The trawl winch is 70m which will reach the bottom of any estuary enabling good samples to be obtained.


Google Earth map of transects and ship track

Estuaries are bodies of semi-enclosed water that have different biological, physical and chemical characteristics compared to that of the seas into which they flow. They form a transition zone between the fresh (riverine) water environments and the ocean environments. The mix of both the seawater and freshwater provide the water column and sediment with a high nutrient concentration. This alone makes the estuary one of the most productive natural habitats in the world.

Wastes, transferring contaminants from heavily populated or industrialised areas use estuaries as a convenient channel to the coastal seas. Concentrated pollutants tend to impact an estuary first due to the area being more enclosed than coastal seas. Once the pollutants reach the sea, processes in the estuary control the form and concentrations of the various pollutants.

We took three ADCP transects (red lines) at the mouth, middle and upper part of the estuary to find the flushing time of the estuary. At the same points we took vertical profiles of the water column to determine the temperature, salinity and turbidity. Ideally we would have measured fluorometry but the fluorometer was not working. However, samples for chlorophyll from the Niskin bottles have been analysed in the laboratory. The green line shows the five points at which salinity decreased by 0.5 where we took nutrient samples to produce mixing diagrams. The river-end member has already been collected further upstream at 0 and 20.0 salinity.

It is important to note that as the survey was undertaken during a period of low rainfall, the salinity values vary very little along most of the estuary. As estuarine sampling is usually salinity-dependant, this resulted in fairly low-resolution mixing diagrams.





Depth Profiles

Fig. 1a: Temperature-Salinity plot Fig. 1b: Temperature - Depth Fig. 1c: Salinity - Depth Fig. 1d Turbidity - Depth

Station 1 shows evidence of a slight thermocline (Fig. 1b), over a few degrees as the measurements were taken out in the mouth of the estuary. However, stations 2 and 3 were much shallower so a thermocline is not present but temperature does decrease with depth. The highest temperature recorded was at the surface at Station 3 where there is least turbulence (Fig. 1b) and the depth is shallowest. The highest turbidity was at station 1 (Fig. 1d) which was constant throughout the water column. Station 2 and 3 (Fig. 1c) show salinity decreasing with depth whereas station 1 has a constant salinity through the water column representative of a well-mixed water column. The T-S plot (Fig. 1a) also shows station 1 with a constant salinity and only a small change in temperature whereas stations 2 and 3 show larger decreases in temperature and increases in salinity. Station 1 at the mouth of the estuary has a light decrease in temperature but is well-mixed. Further up the estuary, with decreasing depth the surface is warmer as less water to heat up and salinity is much higher at depth as density increases.

The Richardson Number was calculated for Station 1 and 3, with an average of 11.82 and 2.68 respectively. This shows that at station one at the mouth of the Falmouth Estuary is more stable than further up the river, where ADCP data shows that the current velocity is greater. The Ri was calculated using un-calibrated salinity measurements as the calibrated data was not available at the time. This wouldn’t affect the results as the change in shear stress would still be detectable.


Station 1

Fig. 2a: Nutrient depth profile St. 1

The first station sampled was a deep trough in the middle of the mouth of the Fal estuary which had a depth of 33m. Fig. 2a shows there was a slight thermocline from 15.5şC to 13.5şC but not much of a halocline with the salinity staying relatively constant between 33.6 and 34. The highest turbidity found during sampling was 4.397V (Fig. 1d) which was approximately constant throughout the water column. The nitrate minimum was 0.42μM at 4.4m whilst the maximum of 1μM was observed at 20m. The concentration decreases from the surface to 5m then increasing down to 20m before decreasing again at the bottom depth. The phosphate concentrations show a decrease from the surface to 5m then an increase. The maximum value for phosphate was higher in the water column at 9.25m at 0.17μM. The results gave 0 concentrations at 19.8m and 25.7m. In the first 9.25m silicate has a completely opposite trend to the two other nutrients with the concentration increasing at 4.4m then decreasing again. At 19.8m we see the maximum of 2.02μM. This station shows an initial decrease in oxygen saturation from the surface to 5 meters, and then begins to increase; the biggest increase taking place between 19.8 and 25.7 meters with an increase of approximately 10%, resulting in the highest oxygen saturation being 114.7% at 25.7m depth. (Fig. 7a) At Station 1 the phytoplankton numbers were low. This was the only station with Ceratum present and only 1,000,000 individuals could be found in 1m-3. Dinoflagellates dominated the sample; the group consisting of unidentified dinoflagellates, Alexandrium sp., Karenia sp., and Gymnodinium sp. (Fig. 5) The Copepooda dominated the zooplankton community at Station 1, with 6375.52m-3, which is the lowest value of Copepoda recorded for all the stations we looked at. Appendicularia were abundant in the sample, with 1499.31m-3. This is a very high value compared to other stations and particularly to that of the offshore samples (Fig. 6). The chlorophyll data here is relatively low compared to the other stations, not reaching higher than 0.4746µg/L, and it is fairly uniform as it only has a range of 0.3258µg/L (Fig. 7b). The chlorophyll maximum is at the surface at 1.2m.

The phytoplankton numbers here were the lowest of all the stations visited, which may be tied into the high turbidity observed, which would restrict the amount of light available for photosynthesis. The low chlorophyll levels at this station support the hypothesis that there are not many phytoplankton cells present here, but we can assume that they are mostly in the surface waters as the chlorophyll maximum is at 1.2m. The chlorophyll data are also relatively constant throughout the water column which is another indication of a mixed system. The low abundance of phytoplankton may be the reason for the low density of zooplankton found here, as they would have little food to graze on. The phosphate results are the highest at the surface as they are being excreted by phytoplankton, and the slowly decrease with depth as the phytoplankton numbers decrease. There is an anomalous reading where the concentration peaks at about 10m depth; this could have been caused by contamination of the sample. The Silicate has an initial increase with depth, as the phytoplankton abundance is decreasing and so less silicate is being taken up. Below this depth, the nutrients do not behave as would be expected in this part of the estuary, considering the results for factors such as chlorophyll maxima and abiotic factors which usually determine the nutrient levels throughout the water column. These results can be explained by pollution, as The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive has classified the Fal estuary as a Sensitive Area (eutrophic) and the Nitrate Directive designated the area as Polluted Water due to eutrophication (Langston et al. 2006). The initial decrease in oxygen saturation could be due to the zooplankton which would be feeding on the phytoplankton in the surface waters, using the oxygen in respiration. The later increase in oxygen could be due to the second lesser increase in phytoplankton cells at around 20m which would reintroduce oxygen into the water.

Fig. 8a shows the limited mechanical mixing through out the water column, with some mixing occurring at 10 to 12 meters. This corresponds to the Brunt Vaisala frequency which is lowest at that depth, but which also shows a very stable water column.


Station 2

Fig. 2b: Nutrient depth profile St. 2

At Station 2 the water temperature decreases with depth from 16.51°C at the surface to 13.80°C at 15.3m depth. The salinity increases with depth from 34.02 to 35.05. The transmissometer reading increased from 4.10v to 4.26v, indicating increased turbidity at the seabed compared to the surface. The nitrate concentrations follow a strange pattern but this time in reverse. At Station 2 the nitrate maximum is at 3.18m (0.83 μM) and the minimum is at 9.75m (0.17μM). The phosphate concentration behaves in the same way as nitrate at station 1 with it decreasing at the surface but then increasing again before decreasing near the sea bed. The phosphate maximum was 0.26μM at 9.75m. The silicate decreases very slowly from the surface to 9.75m and then suddenly increasing from 2.3μM to 9.0μM at 15.3m. Station 2 had approximately the same number of total phytoplankton m-3, 27000000, though a lower diversity; only diatoms and Alexandrium sp. Were present (Fig. 2b). The chlorophyll maximum is 1.224µg/L, near the surface at 1.28m (Fig. 7b). The zooplankton community at Station 2 was composed almost exclusively of the Copepoda, with a value of 159815.24m-3; the copepods were very dense as well as very dominant compared to other stations (Fig. 6). The most abundant zooplankton after the Copepoda were larvae of the Gastropoda with a frequency of 392.61 m-3, however this value was very small and did not deviate greatly from the frequency of other organisms. Station 2 shows an initial increase in oxygen saturation from the surface to 3m and peaks here at 110.5%. After this, a huge decrease of 13% occurs between 3.18m and 7.47m. It then gradually increases again as the depth decreases (Fig. 7a).

There is no thermocline but a halocline at Station 2, probably due to its position in the estuary. It is situated approximately in the middle of the estuary between the sea and the rivers, so the water column is likely to be partially mixed with more freshwater overlying more saline water. All nutrients are shown in Fig. 2b to fluctuate between extreme values, at depths which do not always correspond to other factors such as chlorophyll maxima. This can be explained by eutrophication and pollution; The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive has classified the Fal estuary as a Sensitive Area, and the Nitrate Directive have designated the area as Polluted Water due to eutrophication (Langston et al. 2006). The oxygen saturation peaks near the chlorophyll maximum, then decreases as the phytoplankton abundance, indicated by chlorophyll concentration, decreases. This is because phytoplankton create large amounts of dissolved oxygen at the surface. The turbidity is highest near the seabed because increased friction causes turbulence. The very high number and density of the Copepoda can be explained by eutrophication. It is possible that due to the pollution of the estuary by nitrates and phosphates a eutrophic event could have occurred causing a large phytoplankton bloom. The zooplankton would then have multiplied greatly as they fed on the bloom, reducing the bloom to more natural levels of phytoplankton in the estuary, and resulting in a zooplankton population explosion, where the Copepoda outcompeted all other zooplankton Groups.


Station 3

Fig. 2c: Nutrient depth profile St. 3


Fig. 2c illustrates data collected right up the estuary so one would expect to see low salinities and high dissolved nutrient concentrations.  It could be argued that there is a slight thermocline between 1.5 and 3.5m where the temperature decrease 2şC from 18şC to 16şC.  The salinity is incredibly high for the study area, possibly due to lack of freshwater inputs.  The lowest salinity value was at the surface, 31, with it increasing over the 5.25m to 33.2.  The turbidity increases from 3.96 to 4.14 at 2.87m before decreasing to 4.08.  Here the nutrient concentrations are at their greatest.  The nitrate maxima is at the surface at 9.6μM and it decreases linearly to 2.3μM at 5.25m.  The phosphate ranges from 0.59μM to 0.27μM.  The silicate behaves in the same way as the nitrate with the maxima at the surface at 8.4μM.  This is the only station at which the nutrients have all followed a similar pattern and decreased with depth. 


The plankton data (Fig. 5, Fig. 6) show that this station was the most diverse; it had the largest range of species for both zooplankton and phytoplankton. Favourable conditions encourage different phytoplankton species to grow, which in turn promote zooplankton growth by providing a range of feeding niches. The chlorophyll maximum is at the surface, showing that it reflects the number of phytoplankton at this station. It is also the highest of the chlorophyll maxima (Fig. 7b), probably due to the conditions in the estuary. Station 3 had the highest nutrient levels and the maxima were at the surface (Fig. 2c). This is good news for the plankton community, but it could lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication can lead to harmful algal blooms, such as the red tide event of 1995-96, studied by Langston et al. (2006). Our studies at this station support this study; several species of toxic phytoplankton where found such as Alexandrium species and Karenia mikimotoi. The CTD data show that there was a fair amount of mixing going on, due to the combination of shallow water and tidal mixing. Turbidity increases with depth, which indicates that tidal shear has more of an effect at 5m than at the surface, however, the euphotic zone extended to the bottom, allowing phytoplankton to photosynthesise all the way down.

At this station where the flow was greatest, there is strong mixing seen near bottom of the water column - likely due to the frictional shear stress over the river bed. This can be seen in Fig. 8b where Ri numbers are around 0.0094, well below the mixing critical value of 0.25. This data also corresponds well with Fig. 1d, showing a high amount of turbidity at around 3m depth.


Light data

Fig. 3: Solar Irradiance - Depth

Light will behave differently in water to air.  In water light is scattered and absorbed by particles in the water column and is quickly attenuated.  The rate at which this occurs can be quantified by the value k.  K can be calculated in two ways, using data from a secchi disk or alternatively data from a light sensor.  The formula for calculating k using a secchi disk is very simple; k = 1.44/secchi disk depth.  This is however, not a very accurate form of measuring the attenuation coefficient.  Therefore one can use the ratio between irradiance at depth (Ez) and surface irradiance (Eo).  The equation, Ez = Eo e-kz can be rearranged to find k.  This process is simplified by creating a graph of Ln(Ez/Eo) against depth, finding the equation of the line, and dividing 1 by the gradient.

The irradiance readings from the light sensor have allowed for the construction of a graph illustrating the change in solar irradiance with depth at each station. Fig. 3 shows that at all three of the stations the irradiance decreases exponentially, with rapid decrease in the surface layers and then a slow decrease at depth. As one moves up the estuary the depth at which light can penetrate decreases, due to increased particulate matter in the water column. In just a metre the irradiance has dropped from over 1000 at the surface to around 300μmol m-2s-1 at station 3 whereas at station 1 it is at 920μmol m-2s-1. This illustrates how the surface layer of the estuary will absorb or block a large amount of the incoming solar radiation from reaching the water beneath. Fig. 3 shows how the irradiance figure at Station 1 does not drop below 200μmol m-2s-1 until about 6m, whilst it occurs at much lower depths at both Station 2 and 3. Station 2 appears to have the sharpest decline due to the fact that the irradiance at the surface was very high. However, it then follows a very similar pattern to Station 1, ending a metre above the sea bed with an irradiance of about 50μmol m-2s-1. In accordance with the k values in Table 3, more light is able to penetrate to greater depths at Station 1. A lower k value implies that less of the light is scattered or absorbed by particles in the water column and therefore the irradiance figures will be higher than that of a station with a high k value.

Table 3 also gives the depth of the euphotic zone, the depth below which there is not sufficient light for photosynthesis. This figure was calculated by multiplying the secchi disk depth by 3. The euphotic zone for Station 1 continues past the depth of the profile in Fig. 3, but one can look at the amount of radiation reaching the boundary at station 2 and 3. At station 2 the boundary of the euphotic zone is 8.58m. The photosynthetic active radiation figure at this depth is 43.7μmol m-2s-1. The euphotic zone for station 3 also continues past the recorded depth of the light metre to 6.3m. This depth is within 10cm of the sea bed, implying that phytoplankton would be able to photosynthesise almost anywhere in the water column. Although 6.3m was not recorded and one cannot definitely say that the irradiance would be 40μmol m-2s-1 or less, it would be foolish to suggest that the amount of light would increase at this depth.


Secchi disk, k m-1 Ez/Eo k value, m-1

Euphotic Zone, m

1 (50°08.659N,005°01.420W)




2 (50°12.178N,005°02.429W)


0.333 8.58

3 (50°14.395N,005°00.883W)




Table 3: Light data for all stations

Table 2 shows that the further you travel up the estuary the greater the k value becomes and therefore the euphotic zone decreases.  The euphotic zone will also decrease, however, due to the decreasing water depth.  At station 3 both k values are within 0.06m-1 of each other.  If the Ez/Eo value is accepted as a truer value then k = 0.630 (3dp).  Due to a smaller volume of water up the estuary all of the absorptive material such as nutrients, SPM and pollutants will be concentrated into a smaller area and therefore the amount of light being scattered or absorbed will greater.  In contrast, the k value at station 1 in the mouth of estuary was much lower at 0.211 (3dp), indicating that light will travel to much greater depths through the water column.  This is because the volume of water is much larger here and the scattering particles are dispersed throughout the water.  Station 2 is the only station which has k values that are not within 0.1m-1 of one another.  This could be due to a change in the sunlight intensity between the two measurement times.  For example it could have been very sunny when the secchi disk was deployed, leading to inaccurate depth estimation and cloudy when the light probe was used. 


Estuarine Mixing Diagrams

Fig. 4a: Nitrate Mixing Diagram - Removal Fig. 4b: Phosphate Mixing Diagram - Addition Fig. 4c: Silicate Mixing Diagram - Removal
  • Nitrate mixing diagram (Fig. 4a) shows non-conservative behavior of the constituent with all the data bellow the theoretical dilution line which suggests that nitrate was subject to removal from the estuary. Most of nitrate removal was shown at salinities 32 to 35.

  • Phosphate mixing diagram (Fig. 4b) showed the strongest non-conservative behavior. Along the estuary the concentration of phosphate was increasing since the data points on the plot where above the TDL.  Most of phosphate addition took place closer to the mouth of the estuary at salinities 32 to 35.

  • Silicate mixing diagram (Fig. 4c) shows non conservative behavior of the constituent with an overall removal near the mouth of the estuary at salinity 32 to 35.

The nutrients, nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4), silicate (Si) enter the open ocean through rivers via estuaries, groundwater flow, and coastal zones. Dissolved silicon is drained from land by natural chemical weathering of silicate materials. The mean concentration of dissolved Si in river water is much higher than the concentration of NO3 and PO4 and within an estuary Si concentration decreases towards the sea (Venucopalan et al., 2006). Si concentration showed same pattern as suggested from the relevant literature mentioned above i.e. the concentration was decreasing towards the sea.  Si is also an important limiting nutrient for diatoms, thus the removal can be accredited on the utilization of Si by diatoms in the water column.  Phytoplankton (diatoms and dinoflagellates) were found during our survey up the Fal estuary. The removal of nitrate, shown by the mixing diagram, can be owed to the utilization by phytoplankton.  The strong non-conservative behavior of phosphate can be attributed to anthropogenic input like agriculture, sewage and other small inputs. In order for the mixing diagrams to show a more reliable image of the nutrients’ behavior in an estuary the amount of samples collected for each nutrient must be around 50 or more, over a range of salinities, as suggested by Head (1985).


Ceratum fusus   Diatom chain

Fig 5: Phytoplankton data for all stations





Echinoderm larvae




Fig 6: Zooplankton data for all stations


Dissolved Oxygen


Fig 7a: Dissolved O2 for all stations

Fig 7b: Chlorophyll data for all stations


Richardson numbers

Fig 8a: Station 1 Ri Numbers Fig 8b: Station 3 Ri Numbers


The biotic and abiotic factors of the stations studied are expected of their position within the estuary; the results for Station 1 show that of a well mixed water column in terms of temperature and salinity, however the nutrient profiles are not as expected due to pollution. Station 2 shows similar nutrient profiles as a result of this pollution. Station 2 is in between the sea and the rivers entering the estuary, therefore it shows a partially mixed water column. Station 3 appears not to be as polluted as the other stations, resulting in typical nutrient profiles, however this would have to be confirmed by further research. Station 3 is atypical of a river in terms of the water column; it is well mixed. This can be attributed to the lack of freshwater input due to limited rainfall, and the position of the tides at the time of sampling.


Concluding statements

The offshore and estuarine areas both displayed a great degree of interaction between biological, chemical and physical properties. The offshore showed that the degree of mixing had a strong impact on the abundance of plankton communities. A similar pattern was seen in the estuary, where the physics influenced the nutrients promoting phytoplankton growth. The benthic mapping study gave a clear, visual (through sidescan and video data) representation of how the physical processes affect benthic communities.

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Covey, R. & Hocking, S., 1987. “Helford River Survey. Report for the Heinz”, Guardians of the Countrysideand World Wide Fund for Nature,pp 121.

Grasshoff, K., K. Kremling, and M. Ehrhardt. 1999. Methods of seawater analysis. 3rd ed. Wiley-VCH.

Herdson D. M., “The  Helford river fish leaflet”, Helford voluntary marine conservation area, pp 4

Howard P., Pinder D., 2003, “Cultural heritage and sustainability in the coastal zone: experiences in south west England”, Journal of cultural heritage, vol: 4, p.p.:57-68.

Johnson K. and Petty R.L.1983  “Determination of nitrate and nitrite in seawater by flow injection analysis”.  Limnology and Oceanography, vol: 28, p.p.:  1260-1266.

Langston W.J., Chesman B.S., Burt G. R., Taylor M., Covey R., Cunningham N., Jonas P., Hawkins J. S., 2006, “Characterisation of the European Marine Sites  in South West England: the Fal and Helford candidate Special Area of  Conservation (cSAC)”, Marine Biodiversity, vol:183, pp: 321-333.

Parsons T. R. Maita Y. and Lalli C. (1984) “ A manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis” 173 p. Pergamon.

Pirrie D., Power R.M.,*, Rollinson  G., Camm G. S., Hughes H. S., Butcher R. A., Hughes P., 2003,“The spatial distribution and source of arsenic, copper, tin and zinc within the surface sediments of the Fal Estuary, Cornwall, UK”, Sedimentology, vol: 50, p.p.; 579–595.

Younger, P.L., 2002, “Mine water pollution from Kernow to Kwazulu-Natal: geochemical remedial options and their selection in practice”, Geoscience SW England, vol:10, p.p.: 254–265.

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The views, opinions and scientific analyses expressed in this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Southampton or the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.

No animals were hurt in the duration of the field course, other than a Seahorse and several thousand plankton.