Group 3 Plymouth Field Trip

Jo, Charlotte, Alex, Tom, Oli, Jenny, Helen, Rachel and Sarah

Estuarine Environment
Offshore Environment
Coastal Environment


The main aim of this practical exercise was to gain a holistic view of the River Tamar estuary and adjacent coastal region, and study the associated processes. The sampling and surveying ranged from the head of the salt water intrusion (a salinity of 0.16) to the E1 monitoring point (50.02.070N 4.52.535W), approximately 25 kilometres offshore. A variety of sampling and data collection methods were utilised, notably CTD, ADCP, T-S probes, Side-Scan Sonar, plankton nets and nutrient sampling. The data was then analysed to produce a complete picture of the entire estuary.

The survey of the upper estuary showed evidence of a salt wedge during the incoming tide, as well as temperature profile, with a change of 0.5°C from the warmer riverine water to the cooler estuarine waters. The nutrients showed very different results: Silicate showed non-conservative behaviour, with removal in the upper estuary probably due to uptake by diatoms. Phosphate also showed non-conservative behaviour, with both addition and removal associated with areas of past and present industrial use. Nitrate showed slight addition in the upper estuary, with slight removal in the lower estuary due to uptake by plankton as well as de-nitrification which reaches a maximum during summer. The plankton data showed an inverse relationship between the zooplankton and phytoplankton due to grazing. There is a difference in species dominance throughout the estuary. Diatoms show dominance in the upper estuary, with 75% of the total abundance, where Dinoflagellates dominate in the lower estuary, with 90% of the total abundance. Copepods tend to be the dominant zooplankton species throughout the entire estuary.

The offshore survey showed a phytoplankton bloom extending from the mouth of the estuary, offshore to a water depth of 50 meters, as well as various other areas of backscatter indicating plankton maxima at depth. At the E1 monitoring station we recorded a very distinct thermocline at a depth of 29 meters, with fluorescence maxima (4.0 micrograms per litre) at 28 meters. This fluorescence maxima coincided with a backscatter peak from the ADCP data indicating zooplankton grazing. The fluoresence maxima occurs just above the thermocline because nutrients leach slowly through it, enabling the phytoplankton to take advantage of the available nutrients. In the zooplankton net that was taken in a vertical plane through this backscatter peak a huge abundance of large unidentified cnidarian plankton was found, which were approximately 2cm in diameter. Backscatter peaks were also identified above the two peaks of Eddystone Rocks which were covered; this coincided with a decrease in the depth of the chlorophyll maxima which was noted on the miniBAT transect in the same area.

The study of the lower estuary showed some very interesting flow patterns around the breakwater. The ADCP data was recorded on the ebbing tide and a large scale back eddy was seen associated with the western side of the breakwater. This appeared to be carrying very little sediment and moving against the outgoing tide. To further the study of this feature we concentrated our side-scan sonar on the same area. Two large scale bedforms were found which are believed to be associated with the back eddy, which occurs at both sides of the breakwater. These appeared to be scour features with a removal of approximately 1 meter of surface sediment. The back eddy was found to be carrying little sediment because much deposition had taken place. The unusual hydrological conditions that occurred prior to and during the study had produced large amounts of suspended material in the water column. The sediment grab conducted near to the breakwater appeared to show the deposition of this sediment with a layer of fine, brown sands on the sediment surface.



Plymouth is a coastal city in the South West of England on the boundary between Devon and Cornwall . These areas were visited from the 24th June to the 8th July 2004 to investigate the estuarine, coastal and offshore environments and link these to the geology of the area using geophysics and field surveys. The environmental areas of Plymouth are well protected as there are 6 Site of Special Scientific Interest  and 6 local Nature Reserves. Plymouth Sound is a Special Area of Conservation and the Upper Tamar is a Special Protection Area. The city of Plymouth is on a peninsular between the River Tamar and River Plym. The Tamar estuary is a drowned river valley that was partially flooded during the flandrian transgression of the last 10,000 years. The estuary is 31.7Km long from it’s boundary with Plymouth Sound to its limit of tidal influence and salinity intrusion at Weir Head.

The major freshwater inputs to the Tamar estuary are the Rivers Tamar, and the Tavy and Lyner which are sub estuaries which junction with the Tamar. The yearly averaged runoff from the River Tamar based on runoff records for 1976-1990 is 22 m³s‾¹ and the Tavy and Lyner contribute and additional 27 and 23% of the Tamar’s flows respectively (Uncles et el 2001).

Tides in the Tamar estuary are semidiurnal, with mean neap and spring ranges of 2.2 and 4.7m respectively. The Intra-tidal variations in total water depth are therefore considerable in the shallow, upper reaches (Uncles et al 2001).The water transport on the flood tides separates at the junction of the Lyner and Tamar in the ratio of approximately 30 and 70% respectively. This ration is approximately the same for the junction of the Tavy and Tamar (Uncles et al 2001).

During the summer months, the inshore waters of Plymouth Sound, tend to be dominated by a halocline. However, further offshore, thermal stratification starts to dominate. Current speeds are strongly influenced by the bathymetry of the Sound and subsequently in combination with wave action influence the distribution of bottom sediments. Fluvial input is relatively small and it is suggested that coastally derived sediment brought into the sound during severe storms, locally eroded material and a small yet important anthropogenic input in the form of eroded material from the breakwater and ship ballast, make up the bottom sediments (Allen et al 2003).

The geology around Plymouth is relatively simple, the rocks get younger from the north to the south with three main classifications of rock. There are Lower Devonian slates and grits at the mouth of the estuary with Middle Devonian limestone to the east and west. This limestone was formed from a coral reef found in warm shallow water, there is also evidence of volcanism. The main Plymouth area is founded on Upper Devonian slates and shales that are folded and faulted, for more detail on this area see the Geofield section.



The Aims of this field trip are relatively straight forward, 
To develop our practical, scientific and fieldwork skills whilst in a team situation. 
To investigate the structure of the Tamar estuary from the head to 15 miles offshore.
To determine the physical and chemical structure and the effect of these on the biological communities and their distribution.
To enhance our individual practical experiences of sampling using different equipment on a wide variety of vessels on a range of environments.

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The investigation was carried out on Friday 25th June 2004.We visited a rock exposure at Heybrook Head known as Renney Point on the shoreline of the eastern coastline of Plymouth Sound. The precise location of the exposure is illustrated below:

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Fig. 2  - Ordnance Survey map of the survey area
Fig. 1 -  Image looking down the axial trace of the antiform, the fold being indicted by the curvature of the rock units.



To gain a grasp of the basic geological structures.

To discover how to represent these on a geological map.

To link the coastline geology with the subsurface geology.


Dip and Strike:
Dip is the maximum inclination of a bed measured relative to a horizontal plane. 
The strike of the bedding is recorded as a compass bearing, perpendicular to the direction of dip. 
Dip and strike are measured using an instrument known as a compass clinometer. When measuring these two parameters, it is important to remember the right hand rule. If one extends the thumb and first finger of the right hand, the first finger points in the direction of the strike, and the thumb points down the dip.


At Renney Point initial investigation was to take a dip and strike of some of the rocks exposed on the shore. This was mainly used as an instructional section as to how to use the compass clinometer. Initially a strike of 226º and a dip of 36º were found, another set of measurements were conducted approximately 30 meters to the southwest of the first point and a strike of 226º and a dip of 25º were found. In between these two sets of measurements there was one very noticeable geological structure - an antiform fold. The axial trace of the fold was orientated to 230º and was plunging to an angle of 8º in the same direction. However, further up the beach the fold stopped at a trench within the rocks. This was a fault line that ran through the entire section of the rocks. The fault was a right lateral fault, otherwise known as a right dextral fault. The fault was orientated to 118º and had an approximate displacement of 5 meters. These results are shown on the geological plan. (shown in fig 4):

Fig. 3 - Image of axial trace of the fold  
Fig. 4 - Geological plan of Renney Point 
Fig. 5 - Right dextral fault


Within the main fold that was studied a series of stress fractures were found. These all appeared to be orientated in similar directions. The orientation angles varied between the two maxima of 80º and 160º. This common direction of fracture is due to the direction from which the rock unit was forced in the past. In order for the fold to have a strike of 230º, the stress must have been applied in the 140 to 320º approximate direction. This would suggest that the fractures of the higher angles occurred first. It would also suggest that following this period of stress, the angle from which the stress was applied changed, thus producing the fractures at the lower angles. This statement can be reinforced by applying the law of cross cutting relationships. Two intersecting stress fractures were found. The law of cross cutting relationships states that when one rock fracture cross cuts another, the one that does the cross cutting is the younger. In the field a 147º fracture was intersected, and slightly displaced by the fracture at 97º. This shows that the the angle of stress applied to the fold changed over time.

Fig. 6 - Illustration of the sediment exposure   Fig. 7 - Image of the sediment exposure with person to scale

Once the hard rock geology was analysed, a survey was completed of the sediment overlying the rocks. It was deposited from a periglacial environment during the latest period of glacial advance. This was the Pleistocene period which was at its maximum extent 18000 years before present. The sediment face was sketched and detailed observations were made. These are shown on the illustration below of the sediment exposure (Fig. 6) which was approximately 3.5 meters from top to bottom.

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Estuarine Environment



The investigation was conducted on the 26th June 2004, the weather in the morning was persistent rain, overcast, with 8/8 cloud cover. The afternoon brought intermittent showers, persistent drizzle with very low cloud cover (8/8). The winds were varying from 0 m/s to 7m/s with a direction ranging from 110° to 190°.Two RIBS were used to cover this 21 kilometre stretch to allow access to the upper reaches of the river. High tide (on the neap cycle) was at 11:22 GMT and therefore it was decided to travel to the furthest point upstream at the start and return towards Plymouth sampling on the way.


To look at spatial variations, interactions and driving mechanisms of the physical, biological and chemical parameters and processes in the upper Tamar estuary from Calstock to Plymouth.

Particular interest is the nature of nutrients and freshwater inputs with regard to non-conservative/conservative behaviour. This would involve collection and processing of samples for chlorophyll, nutrients, silica, dissolved oxygen.

In addition data would be recorded for temperature, salinity and turbidity. The are possible anthropogenic inputs from agricultural waste products and the disused copper mines in the head area of the estuary.


In order to determine the conservative or non-conservative behaviour of the Tamar Estuary and to construct estuarine mixing diagrams, measurements were taken at intervals of approximately two salinity units. This was started as close to the head of the estuary as possible at Morwellham Quay, with measurements taken down the estuary to the Tamar Bridge (salinity of 32) to overlap with the data collected by the Bill Conway.
To allow the two boats to record data individually, but for a common task, all the instruments were calibrated against each other during the day – this included the TS probe and the on-board monitoring system (time, depth, location etc.).
At each site temperature and salinity were recorded using a TS probe as well as using a Secchi disk to give an indication of light attenuation. To build a vertical profile of the water the probe was lowered and the information recorded every half metre in depth.
Surface samples of known volumes were filtered and collected to record nitrate and silicate concentrations. By examining the filters the concentration of chlorophyll was also calculated.
Niskin bottles were used to collect two samples (each repeated for consistency) of the dissolved oxygen from two points on the river.
A zooplankton net was used in the surface layer at one of the sites to represent the average size of the community. By dragging it for five minutes at a known speed the total volume of water sampled could be calculated to give a quantitative value. Formalin was used to fix the sample.
The phytoplankton was collected in samples of water for analysis back in the lab. Lugols iodine was used to fix and stain the samples and prevent further change taking place.


Fig. 8 -  Image of the riverine end member of the Tamar estuary 

Fig. 9 - Tamar estuary location and catchment


Salinity Section and Temperature Section

A salinity section was constructed for the length of the Tamar estuary. The vertical profile data obtained at each salinity value, with the multi parameter water quality monitor, was used to show the changes of salinity with depth. With reference to Fig. 10, there is vertical variation in salinity along the entire length of the twenty two kilometre section of the Tamar studied. This is more exaggerated in the upper reaches with a notable salt wedge at the lowest salinities of 0 to 8. Despite the presence of the salt wedge in the upper reaches, the rest of the estuary appeared well mixed. In areas with a faster water flow, there is an increased level of turbulence with the bed and banks of the river, which gives rise to higher levels of mixing. This is shown at the change between the salinities of 10 and 12, as well as 16 to 18, where the surface distance between the values is approximately 0.5km. The further down the estuary, into the deeper waters, the salinity changes become more spatially distant. This is exemplified by the salinity change of 28 to 30, where the distance between the two values appearing at the surface was approximately 3km. The overall temperature change through the section is less than one degree. The temperature section shows the warmer less saline water remaining on the surface as one moves downstream with salinity, and the cooler more saline waters beneath. 

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Fig. 10 - Salinity Section

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Fig. 11 - Temperature Section


The factors affecting non conservative behaviour of nutrients can be broken down into biological removal/addition processes and non biological processes.

Silicate - 

The silicate curve does not keep to the Theoretical Dilution Line, this is caused by removal in the upper reaches of the estuary followed by relative conservative behaviour towards the mouth. The removal in the upper estuary could be caused by a number reasons for this removal occurring. Diatoms are the most likely of the biological possibilities. Diatoms extract Silicate from water in order to create Silicate based frustules. This removal is often of the degree to cause a noticeable “dip” of this kind. There is a large increase in the relative abundance of Diatoms in the lower salinity region. This rise in Diatom numbers coincides with the removal of Silicate already observed.

There are other possible causes for this decrease in concentration, one of which is the presence of two tributaries at the salinity regions of 8 and 10, which also coincide with the “dip”. The reason for an observed removal could be dilution by non silicate rich waters. However this dilution would probably not be to a significant enough degree to warrant the amount of removal seen, and would be likely to lower the salinity further if it was significantly influential.

Phosphate - 

The phosphate curve exhibits non-conservative behaviour with both addition and removal  with a rather “meandering” movement between the two. In the upper reaches, there is addition of phosphate to the water, however this changes to removal in the middle section of the estuary and returning to addition around the Tamar Bridge. The addition coincides with areas of past or present industrial land use, linking  to sources of chemical pollution, such as fertilizer or sewage, and therefore human dwellings and their subsidiaries e.g. cattle, become sources of phosphate. These and other sources have been marked on the diagram where they occurred.

At salinity region of two there is a single point of addition, this appears to be a large deviation from the TDL and corresponds with the presence of a sewage works in the near vicinity. Removal in the 8-12 salinity region is connected to the low density of houses and human features here than the rest of the estuary, in lower salinity regions of up to a salinity of approximately ten, flocculation is an active process that must be considered. A single point case of addition is seen at 14 salinity and could be because of the presence of a freshwater river that may have a particularly high phosphate concentration.

After this point the “meandering” of the curve becomes less severe with only small changes to the rate of dilution of phosphate corresponding to small changes in the degree of human dwellings or their subsidiaries.

The next area of non-conservative behaviour begins at a salinity of ~27 and carries on until the 33-34 region. It seems that the high degree of human/machine waste entering the water from Plymouth accounts for a large amount of phosphate entering the water column. The deviation from the TDL in this area is not as large as the upstream case of addition but there is a nine point deviation suggesting a high volume discharge, which would coincide with Plymouth being downstream. The time at which the samples were collected is an important factor, as they were taken just after high water when the tide was ebbing.

Nitrate - 

The nitrate estuarine mixing diagram shows a slight addition to the upper estuary (salinity 4-8) and an equally small removal of nitrate at higher salinities (20-30). There are three main processes that can be responsible for modifying the nitrate concentration; nitrification, denitrification and biological uptake. The main sources of nitrate are related to the leaching of soil and surface runoff. The increased use of inorganic fertilisers and the anthropogenic NH4+ from car exhausts are the main reasons responsible for this increase. The decrease of dissolved nitrate (20µmol l-1) shown in the lower reaches is not only due to the uptake of nutrients during plankton growth but also due to denitrification, which is at a maximum during summer. 

The oxygen data was considered to be inaccurate due to errors in the probe readings. It is possible that olive oil spilt on the rib deck caused the TS probe to take inaccurate readings.  


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Fig. 12 - Silicate Estuarine Mixing Diagram
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Fig. 13 - Phosphate Estuarine Mixing Diagram
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Fig. 14 - Nitrate Estuarine 
Mixing Diagram


Phytoplankton and Zooplankton

Figure 15 gives an overall view of the phytoplankton and zooplankton population fluctuations from the head to the mouth of the estuary. There are very few data-points for the zooplankton, little can be assumed from these, but the general trend is an inverse relationship between the zoo- and phytoplankton (site some references), as the phytoplankton are kept down by the grazing of the zooplankton. However, the change in phytoplankton abundance is only slight, and subject to speculation.

The slightly higher concentrations of phytoplankton upstream, may be due to higher nutrients further up the Tamar, from surface run-off.  Zooplankton, however, are more concentrated towards the mouth. There are fewer freshwater species of zooplankton, explaining the small numbers in the sample, and even fewer resident riverine populations, as the conditions are extremely stressful with the fluctuating salinity. It has been suggested that the plankton found there are simply those left over from the previous tide and do not survive for very long. Also, as the sampling was only taken up to around a salinity of 9, the fresh water species are unlikely to have been sampled at all.

Fig 16 shows clear trends in species dominance in different areas of the estuary, with a diatom maximum at the head, and a dinoflagellate maximum at the mouth. The thermal stratification diagram (Fig. 11) shows strong mixing at the head, with slight stratification further downstream. Due to this, phytoplankton populations in the mixed water are composed mainly of chain forming diatoms, which require less light than dinoflagellates . There is likely to be more suspended material higher up, where the surface run-off occurs, reducing the light penetration, and creating an environment more suitable for diatoms, which are kept up in the surface layers by tidal mixing (Holligan, P.M.  et al 1984). Dinoflagellate populations were found mainly in the more stratified waters, further down the estuary, where there is sufficient light in the thermocline for the bloom (Holligan, al 1984).

Ciliate populations were reduced to nil in the area of the dinoflagellate bloom, as dinoflagellates may be competing with ciliates for pico- and nano-plankton, and heterotrophic species could even be grazing on them (Rodriguez, F. et al. 2000)(Pierce & Turner, 1994). Ciliate populations are also generally higher at head of estuary, which may be due to the fact that large ciliates are controlled by predation-principally by copepods which are found in large numbers towards the mouth (Rodriguez, F. et al. 2000) (Nielson & Kiorboe, 1991, 1994). But these are only speculations, as this is a complex food web, and without further identification of individuals down to species level, we cannot make too many assumptions.

Fig. 17 shows fewer zooplankton individuals at the head, increasing towards the mouth of the estuary, with copepods as the dominant family. This is to be expected, as copepods usually dominate the marine mesozooplankton in respect to numbers and biomass in all marine waters (Miller, 2004). Variations in zooplankton populations are mainly controlled by hydrodynamics of water column and physical effects on phytoplankton. Some species maintain important populations deeper in the pelagic zone throughout winter, so are more likely to be found in the deeper waters downstream (Rodriguez, F. et al. 2000). There are also generally fewer species at the head, increasing towards mouth. This is due to the fact that there are more saline zooplankton species than freshwater species. The oceans are more dynamic, so there are a wider variety of habitats to adapt to over evolutionary time, thereby increasing the zooplankton gene pool, whereas the freshwater systems are generally more stable, and gene pools have been more restricted, resulting in fewer varieties of zooplankton.



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Fig. 15 - Plankton Relationship Abundance graph

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Fig 16. -  Phytoplankton Species Relative Abundance

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Fig. 17 - Zooplankton Species Relative Abundance

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Offshore Environment



The Terschelling data was collected on the 29th of June 2004 between 0900 and 1700 GMT. Thermal stratification (especially during the summer months) is very dominant in waters off Plymouth and is largely determined by water depth and tidal strength as well as local factors such as freshwater input and wind. Kiorboe, 1993 has shown that vertical mixing has a profound influence on the physical and chemical properties of the surface layer of the ocean and will, in turn, control the abundance and distributions of planktonic organisms. With the surface waters being nutrient depleted the upwelling of nutrients (mostly silicate and nitrate) from below the thermocline is therefore central to explaining variations in biological productivity. The changes and diversity of the plankton will vary depending on whether it is phytoplankton or zooplankton. The former can be attributed to factors affecting their growth (light, nutrients, cell mortality) and mortality (grazing) whereas the latter is largely affected by abundance and quality of food. The distribution of dissolved oxygen is also fundamental to the above processes and needs to be examined.  


The aim of this trip offshore was to determine how vertical mixing processes in the waters off Plymouth affect, directly and indirectly, the structure and functional properties of plankton communities in the coastal waters of the western English Channel.


At each site a number of the measurements were carried out in the same way each time. 

The CTD was deployed and the downward route showed the vertical Salinity structure. From this we could decide where to trigger a water sampling bottle. To do this the CTD was stopped whilst it made it’s ascent and the bottle fired. The CTD was then raised and the water samples could be extracted.

The water samples were used to measure dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate, Silicate Phosphate, Chlorophyll and Phytoplankton concentrations. Oxygen was measured by attaching a plastic tube to the Water bottles outlet and filling a small glass bottle with water until it was full taking care not to leave oxygen bubbles in the bottle. Two reagents were added to the oxygen and then they were stored in water with the lids sealed.

Nitrate was measured by taking 60 ml of sample water and storing it for lab analysis later on. Silicate and Phosphate were done in similar manner, but in the same bottle and only 40ml of sample water was added.

Chlorophyll was measured by syringing 60ml of sample water through a filter and the filter was then added to a test tube containing Acetone. This was done twice for each sample of water. Phytoplankton was measured by adding 100ml of sample water to 0.5ml of Lugol concentration. All these measurements were conducted at each site and subsequent water column level.On top of this a Zooplankton trawl was conducted at each site wherever there were high levels of Backscatter. A mesh net was lowered into the water and a vertical sample was taken by lifting the net vertically through the desired water column level. The Zooplankton was collected in a plastic bottle at the end of the net.

An ADCP was towed behind the boat and was recording for the majority of the time. As well as this a Minibat was lowered at the back of the boat and for specific paths was guided up and down the water column.

A Secchi disk was lowered over the boat at each site and the lowered until it dropped out of the holders sight. The length of cord was the measured to get the optical depth.  





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The minibat data recorded on Tershelling was obtained by taking 2 transects from station 2 at the E1 monitoring point(50.02.070N 4.52.535W), in the direction of eddystone rocks. The transect started at 12:35 GMT and finished at 13:40 GMT with a 10 minute interlude at 12:45 due to the minibat not diving below 14m. At this point the fixed fins were adjusted (files E1tonorth and E1tonorth2).  A second minibat transect was taken from just before Eddystone rocks to the L4 monitoring point starting at 50.08.990N 4.17.388W at 14:21 GMT until 15:06 GMT (files anytol4 and anytol4cut). At station 3, the CTD equipment failed, so the minibat was launched vertically to its full 40m extension. In general the minibat failed to dive below 15m depth. This unfortunately meant that full thermocline profiles could not be obtained.

The minibat generated data on celerity, conductivity, temperature, density, fluorometry, oxygen, salinity, transmission and light attenuation. The data was coverted into plots using the Surfer package. Plots of temperature, fluorometry, light attenuation and minibat track against depth and time were created. Plots of salinity and transmissometry were discarded due to the nature of the offshore water we were sampling.

The first minibat transect showed that there is a distinct thermocline and a stratified water column.                                    

The second minibat transect from a random spot to L4 showed a fluorescence maximum occurring. This was corresponded with an area of high backscatter on comparing the ADCP data. This is indicative of the presence of phytoplankton, and chlorophyll maximum in the water column. There is also evidence of the thermocline being forced upwards in the water column. The location of this was to be found in the area of Eddystone rocks . 

In summary it is possible to see the upper sections of the thermocline although it is a shame that the data did not penetrate to further depths. This thermocline effects the distribution of nutrients within the water column and in turn the abundance and distribution of both the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities (see surfer plots and Surfer plot "anytol4cut" was trimmed of data so as to remove areas of plot that were infilled by the surfer package.  

Fig. 18 - Minibat transect 1 maps
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Fig. 19 - Minibat transect 2 maps


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data

After we conducted our initial CTD profile as a test station within the estuary, we set the ADCP to record the backscatter for the transect we were to undertake out to our second survey site, E1. The figure below shows the first section of that transect, as we departed from the estuary mouth and moved seaward to a depth of approximately 50 meters.

As one can clearly see in figure 20, there is a tongue region of high backscatter that protrudes from the mouth of the estuary. This shows that there is some suspended material within the water column that is interfering with the beam of the ADCP. The next step is to find the origin of that material: land derived suspended sediment, or a plankton bloom, that is utilizing the nutrient rich estuarine waters, and extending out into the more oceanic, nutrient depleted waters. To investigate this it is necessary to study the CTD profile data for turbidity and fluorescence that was found at station 1. This shows that the profile for fluorescence is practically identical to that of the turbidity. This indicates that the water column turbidity is almost entirely due to the suspended phytoplankton within the water. Thus the high backscatter is indeed a planktonic bloom extending from the nutrient rich estuarine waters, out into nutrient depleted, coastal waters.

Figure 21 shows the ADCP backscatter data for our second sampling site, E1. As is clearly visible there is a region of higher backscatter at approximately 28 meters. It was suspected that this was a layer of dense zooplankton, so a plankton net was used to sample through this layer from 35 to 20 meters. This sample produced some very interesting results. It was calculated that for this particular trawl, a volume of 3.2m3 of water passed trough the net. Within the sample approximately 300 unidentified cnidarian plankton were found, of approximately 2cm diameter. It was likely that this plankton species was responsible for the strong backscatter of the emitted pulse. A similar scenario was observed at sample site 3 (see figure 22) at a depth of 10 to 13 meters. This final transect recorded data between sites 3 and 4, travelling northwards to the west of Eddystone Rocks . The backscatter data for this transect is shown in the figure 22.

Two peaks were found in backscatter above the shallowest sections of the Eddystone Rocks which, both approximately 25 meters in depth. The backscatter maxima were at depths of 10 down to 23 meters. One can see that from both maxima of backscatter, which was presumed to be a plankton bloom, there appears to be tongue which spreads out in a southerly direction. However, when the ADCP data was studied for the water flow for the depth at which the backscatter maxima occurred, there did not appear to be any change in the direction of flow from that of the 058° surface flow. When compared to the minibat transect data two definite peaks in chlorophyll were observed close to the Eddystone Rocks , at similar depths to the backscatter maximums.

A velocity peak around the Eddystone Rocks was observed and the strongest flow in all of our ADCP data was found at this point, with a flow 0f 0.7 m/s, when compared to the 0.2 m/s average for the deep water. It was noted that there was complete reversal in the direction of flow at one point around the rocks. This may be a result of eddying and vorticity around the rocks.


Fig. 20 - ADCP Section showing backscatter tongue
Fig. 21 - ACDP Section showing jellyfish backscatter
Fig. 22 - ADCP section showing shallow backscatter peaks
Fig. 23 - ADCP Section showing backscatter maxima


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CTD Profiles

Station 1 (fig. 24) - CTD profiles of the water column were conducted, to the maximum safe depth, at sites 1, 2 and 4. At site 3 the CTD was not functioning correctly, therefore it was not possible to conduct a water column profile.

The first site sampled was site 1 within the estuary, just behind the breakwater.

The fluorescence shows a subsurface peak at approximately 7 meters. Thus, it is assumed that there is a phytoplankton maximum at that depth. The  ADCP data reinforces this assumption, as a backscatter maximum was seen at the same depth.

This again is consistent with the high backscatter tongue that protruded from the mouth of the estuary. The tongue is formed from the backscatter that reflects off the zooplankton within the water column. This however, this will also be where the phytoplankton are located. This assumption can be made due to the fact that zooplankton graze upon phytoplankton, therefore they will generally occur in the same location within the water column, despite the zooplankton being more motile. The subsurface maxima at site 1 may help to explain the spatial distribution of the bloom extending out of the estuary. Referring to the ADCP data from figure 20 one can see the bloom extending offshore. It is notable that the bloom disappears from the uppermost surface waters at approximately 6 kilometres offshore, however, the bloom continues at a depth of 10 metres for another 6 kilometres, until it finally dissipates at 12 kilometres offshore.

Station 2 (fig. 25) - The data collected from Station 2 (E1) 50°02.070N 4°52.535W indicate the presence of a bloom between 25 and 30m. 

The nutrient analysis shows large reductions in the concentrations of both phosphate and nitrate. Silicon concentrations are also lower at this depth the concentration falls from over 2.5umol/l to 0.6umol/l. This removal is caused by the uptake of silicon for the production of skeletal material in diatoms, another indicator of a bloom. As it would be expected with a bloom of this type there is a dramatic increase in oxygen concentration at depth and the chlorophyll levels also increase.

In terms of the data collected by the on board instruments the presences of the bloom observed form the nutrient data is corroborated. The CTD vertical profile shows an increase in the fluorescence at a depth slightly deeper than, estimated from the lab work, closer to 30m.  The data collected by the ADCP also indicates an area of high backscatter caused by suspended organic matter (see figure 21)

There is a very defined thermocline at an approximate depth of 29 metres. This may explain why there is a fluroesence, and henceforth, chlorophyll, maxima at a depth of 28 metres. If the ocean were fully mixed, it would be expect that the maximum phytoplankton growth were at the surface, where there is maximum light intensity. However, in this situation, the thermocline affects the location of the point of maximum phytoplankton growth. With a secchi depth of 10 metres, it would be expected that the depth of the euphotic zone (k) would be 30 metres ( k = 3 x secchi depth) Despite this, there is minimal growth above the thermocline due to a lack of nutrients. The chlorophyll maximum occurs just above the thermocline as nutrients are gradually leached through. Thus the plankton can utilise these leached nutrients and form a significant population.


Fig. 24 - Temperature, Transmission and Fluorescence at Station 1 (breakwater)
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Fig. 25 - Temperature, Transmission and Fluorescence at Station E1


Site 1 was near the breakwater, thus there were several dominant water streams in the locality. Mostly chain forming diatom species were found to be dominant with an overall decrease in phytoplankton abundance from surface to depth. This coincides with an increase from surface to depth in nitrate concentrations.

L4 was the next site offshore but the 4th site visited. Again, chain forming diatom species were dominant with a similar decrease in abundance of phytoplankton with depth. Here the Secchi depth was10m, therefore 1% euphotic depth is approximately 30m bottom community (below 30m), causing the populations of phytoplankton to be light limited.

Site 3 was in between Eddystone rocks and E1, due to technical problems with the CTD, only a surface bucket sample taken. From this surface sample depth profiles could not be attained but chain forming diatoms were dominant.

Site 2 was the furthest sample site offshore at point E1. As with all previous sites, chain forming diatom species dominant but small clumps of Phyocystis began appearing in samples. The thermocline was found at 28m with the deep chlorophyll maximum present above the thermocline at 27m. This implies that the phytoplankton community above the thermocline was probably nutrient limited and the population below the thermocline probably light limited, but is located at the nutricline (where the maximum change in nutrient concentration occurs).


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Fig.26 - Phytoplankton abundance change with depth
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 Fig.27 - Phytoplankton Abundance
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Fig. 28 - Relative Abundance of Phytoplankton
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One aim for Terschelling was to see if there is a change to zooplankton abundance and community structure as you go further offshore.

Fig. 29 shows that dinoflagellates (especially the heterotrophic species Noctiluca) were highly abundant, except at site 2 (E1) depths 56 – 35m, which according to the Secchi disc depth of 10m would be below the 1% euphotic zone. Possible reasons for why Noctiluca was not found in this area could be caused by the physics of the water column. The presence of a thermocline found at 29m may act as a barrier, stopping penetration of Noctiluca below this depth. Noctiluca is a heterotrophic dinoflagellate that feeds on small zooplankton (as well as on diatoms and other phytoplankton) (Lalli & Parsons, 1997) and so will want to be where the phytoplankton is located (i.e. in the euphotic zone).  At site 2 (E1) the deep chlorophyll maximum was seen on the upper edge of the thermocline (at 28m), this should lead to a large presence of zooplankton due to the high abundance of food.  


Fig.29 - Relative Zooplankton Abundance

Table 1: the changing dominance of species with depth at site 2 (E1)


Copepods % abundance

Dinoflagellates % abundance




35 – 20m



56 – 35m



The relative abundance of copepods increases with depth at site E1, as the dominance of dinoflagellates decrease shown in table 1. This major change in abundance occurs over a dense layer of cnidaria and other jellies. Copepods feed by filtering phytoplankton and protists from the water column or by carnivory,  (Miller, 2004). Small jellyfish are part of the copepod diet and would supply a food source to Copepods in waters where other species are lacking in food sources. The rise in Copepods could have led to the dominance shifting away from the dinoflagellates, out competing them for space.

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Coastal Environment



As with the previous two boat practicals (RIBS and Tershelling) measurements were taken of the water properties (temperature, salinity and depth), current velocity distribution, light attenuation, inorganic nutrients, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and plankton abundance along horizontal (surface) transects and vertical profiles.   This has allowed an understanding of how the Tamar estuary acts as a transition zone between the freshwater input and the coastal sea to be developed.


The aim was to continue with measurements as mentioned above in order to complete an entire analysis of the area from the River Tamar, through the estuary to a point (E1) 10 miles offshore.


The methods for Conway were the same as Terschelling but the Minibat was not used.


Bill Conway



ADCP Profiles

Our first ADCP transect was conducted just behind the breakwater across Plymouth Sound. The figure below shows a velocity magnitude contour plot, as well as a stick diagram, which represents the ships track, along with water flow direction and magnitude at a depth of 1.79 meters.

This transect was taken on an ebbing tide, and this seaward flow can be seen in two distinct areas. The two turquoise/green sections in the above velocity plot are the two separate streams of water that are ebbing from the estuary either side of the breakwater. It is also shown on the stick diagram, where the two areas of southerly elongated sticks represent the two areas of more rapid water flow. The mass of sticks in the center of the stick diagram shows the point at which we stopped to conduct a CTD profile of the water column.

However, things are not as clear cut as two separate streams of water flowing seaward. The plot of velocity direction below shows the direction of water flow for the entire water column for the transect. The majority of the plot shows a flow of around 180°, indicating a southerly flow of water, but the yellow section in the center appears to show a reverse of flow, in that the water was flowing upstream. This is believed to be related to the presence of the breakwater. 

It is believed that part of the flow ebbing from the estuary on the western side strikes the very end of the breakwater. This fast flowing water is subducted down the face of the breakwater and then flows in a northerly direction, against the southerly flowing tide, at depths of 9 to 13 meters.

Due to the high precipitation that occurred in the Plymouth area for the two weeks prior to the day on which we collected data, the sediment load within the water is much higher than would be expected in peak summer. Also, due to the increased volumes of freshwater within the estuary, average flow rates are increased. In turn, this induces a turbulence increase which will cause the re-suspension of bottom sediments, further increasing the sediment load.

From the velocity magnitude contour plot we can see that the flow that was traveling upstream, against the tide, had a much reduced rate of flow when compared to the tidal flow itself. It is therefore not unreasonable to assume, that due to the reduced flow rates, the upstream flow would be supporting less sediment in suspension when compared to the tidal flow. This assumption is confirmed by the backscatter data (Fig. 32), which shows high backscatter in the upper layers, where the ebbing tide is carrying suspended sediment. The lower layers show much less backscatter indicating greatly reduced suspended load.

This assumes that the sediment is being deposited where the water changes from high to low velocity. The location of this velocity change is likely to be the point where the flow comes into contact with the breakwater. Thus one would expect there to be a region of coarse grained sedimentary deposition just inshore of the breakwater. This will be investigated during the geophysics practical.


Fig.30 - Velocity magnitude and ships track
Fig.31 - Velocity direction
Fig.32 - Average Backscatter


CTD Profiles 

The CTD profile of temperature and salinity for the narrows (50 21.678N, 04 10.210W) shows clearly three different water bodies. The first is the surface body with temperature and salinity values of between 15.1 and 15.3 °c and 33.5 and 33.8. This surface layer extends down to a depth of four meters. The second is beneath the surface between four and seven meters with slightly higher salinity of 33.8 to 34.05 and is lower in temperature ranging between 15.1 to 14.9 °c. The deepest water body is the most saline and the coolest with a temperature of less than 14.9 °c and a salinity of just under 34.1. The surface water is the least dense freshwater and the bottom water is the most dense seawater. This CTD profile illustrates the extent of the freshwater influence downstream. The ADCP transect of the narrows shows that the direction of flow of all three water bodies was the same.


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Fig. 33 - CTD data for Narrows


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Nitrate - 

Possible sources of nitrate are: man made waste, fixed atmospheric nitrogen, recycled nitrogen and new sources of nitrogen such as NO2 vertically mixed into the surface waters. However, this has to be considered in the context of an estuary, where there are high levels of nitrate due to the many land sources. Addition of nitrogen by sources such as nitrogen fixing bacteria are so small, they are relatively inconsequential.  

The graph above shows nitrate concentration at the surface and at depth. The  data shows mainly nitrogen addition to the system. The most extreme addition is seen at  a salinity of 28, which is located downstream of the river Lynher. This may have been a possible source of nitrate from the boats or houses nearby, which are also surrounded by fields. However, it would have to be a major source to create the degree of divergence seen by a concentration of 43.5 umolN/L-1 (it could very well be an anomalous result). The other extreme point at a salinity of 33 is situated just downstream of a large oil refinery which would account for the rise in nitrate.

The data taken at depth also shows non-conservative behaviour, as addition is taking place, suggesting that the estuary is well-mixed. This is supported by the corresponding CTD data.   

Phosphate - 

The estuarine mixing diagram shows non-conservative behavoiur dominating, with little or no relation to salinity. 

The phosphate curve does not keep to the theoretical dilution line (TDL). The majority of points do not keep to the line. This is more exaggerated in the lower salinity regions of study. Points of phosphate concentration above the TDL indicate that there is a likely addition of phosphate to the estuarine system. Phosphate concentrations are very easily influenced by anthropogenic activity with regard to addition in the water column. When viewing the EMD which is combined with the group 2 rib data. There is a large deviation from the TDL indicating addition of phosphate. The profile does however lead one to believe that it is possible that these points are outliers. However it is also possible that it corresponds to a sewage works as noted by a similar spike in group 3 rib phosphate data.

The group 2 rib data also corresponds with group 3 rib data to show that not just addition, but removal of phosphate is apparent in the lower salinity regions of the estuary. Removal is actively removed by flocculation biological removal and interaction with sediments. Flocculation only occurs up to salinity of approximately 10.

In higher salinity regions of study, phosphate shows that addition occurs. On comparing the phosphate concentrations between the upper and lower layers of the water column, the marking of TDL’s could lead one to believe that removal occurs in the lower layers of the water column and addition in the upper layers. It can be assumed that as the points are overlapping, there can be no conclusion as to the behavior of phosphate in the water column

Silicon - 

The estuarine mixing diagram showing conservative behaviour for silicon (in the diluted form of silicate) demonstrates a clear correlation with just two sites showing signs of addition.   As would be expected the lower salinity regions show a removal of silicate whereas this graph, which was taken from regions further offshore, show two sites with unusually higher concentrations.

At site five (as shown on the graph) the data was taken opposite the River Lynher where the more nutrient rich freshwater would have a direct affect on the nutrient concentration.   With the catchment being subjected to heavy rainfall a few days before, surface runoff coupled with increased leaching (causing a high nutrient concentration) would largely contribute to the freshwater input.   Equally at site 2, the sample was taken downwater of a factory which could be having an affect on the natural processes which regulate the addition and removal of silicate on this environment.

Chlorophyll - 

This graph shows that higher concentrations of chl a are found further upriver, in both top and bottom layers of the water column. This is not surprising, due to the increased nutrient levels found higher in the estuary.  Chl a levels are higher at the surface, ranging from ~4µg/L to ~10µg/L, whereas at depth, the range is much lower ~2µg/L to ~8µg/L. This was expected, as the phytoplankton bloom will not be found in the aphotic zone of the water column. However, this cannot be seen in two distinct layers on the graph, as the salinity also varies throughout the water column, with the lower salinity at the surface. This is to be expected with freshwater outflow from the River Lynher overlying the more saline and therefore denser seawater.  


Fig. 34 - Nitrate mixing diagram
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Fig. 35 -Phosphate mixing diagram
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Fig. 36 - Silicon mixing diagram
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Fig. 37 - Chlorophyll against salinity and depth


The number of species of zooplankton increases steadily down the estuary, from 4 to 12 species. This coincides with what has been found in previous samples, ie in the ribs data. This is probably due to the greater number of saline species than freshwater species being imported into the estuary with the flood tide. Copepods are again the dominant species in the sample furthest towards the head of the estuary, with an increase in dinoflagellates and cerripedes, moving to an increase in mysids and medusae and resulting in a diverse community majoring in copepods and cerripede nauplius. There is not too much difference between the total number of species at sites 8 and 14, as they are only 1.3km apart, whereas the other sites are larger distances apart. However, there are relatively large numbers of very different species found at sites 8 and 14, despite the close distance between the two. This suggests that the zooplankton are found in patches, grazing on particular blooms of phytoplankton, and not found evenly distributed throughout the estuary.


The distance each site was from Calstock was used to observe a pattern in Phytoplankton relative abundance. Calstock is a small village up the river Tamar, it would thus be a source of human waste and general chemical runoff.

The Phytoplankton relative abundance is dominated by Diatoms at all sites, never going below a 90% share of the abundance. At sites 3,14 and 8 Diatoms make up 100% of the measured abundance. These 3 sites happen to be the closest to Calstock in the order above. Therefore from this it would seem that Diatoms are more tolerant of extreme conditions such as chemical waste and in fact the reason for their degree of abundance is that they thrive on increased nutrients from the waste and out-compete other species.

There is a steady increase in Ciliate abundance the further from Calstock you get, reaching a maximum of 10% 22.9 km away. This is either due to an intolerance to the degree of waste closer to Calstock or because the Diatom dominance is no longer as strong, allowing room for growth. However after Gp3s3 there are no Ciliates present in the sample.

There is also a similar gradual increase in the case of the Dinoflagellates, beginning 26 km away from Calstock. These results are a clear sign of horizontal zonation dependent on the distance the area is from Calstock. Niches seem to be formed, shown by the rise and then sudden drop in Ciliate numbers. This zonation is especially apparent when you consider the Terschelling data showing Dinoflagellate dominance of the degree Diatoms did on the Conway .  


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Fig. 38 - Relative Zooplankton Abundance
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Fig.  39 - Relative Phytoplankton abundance

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GPS at start: 50˚ 20.7063N    04˚ 09.6505W  


The side-scan sonar was deployed to:

Survey the predicted sediment deposits on the Western shore side of the breakwater. These were predicted from the ADCP data which showed back eddies forming near the breakwater. 

Extend the geofield exercise into the water, by surveying the bathymetry surrounding the fault, and to create a complete geological map for the area.

Grab samples were taken to:

Com pare and contrast the type of sediment found where the side-scan sonar suggested back-eddies, with the sediment found further from the breakwater.

Introduction and Methods

Three sites were initially chosen to scan, but due to errors of the side-scan computer creating time-delays, only two of these were sampled. At the first site, four transects were run for one nautical mile, parallel with the western end of the breakwater, with 50m overlays, to produce a complete map of the area.

Interesting sediment dynamic patterns were observed in the expected area near the Western area of the water, so a grab sample was taken there. A grab sample was also taken just outside the breakwater, for a comparison sample. These were photographed, and the living organisms identified and released.

At the second site, four transects were chosen, but were altered to slightly further offshore upon arrival, as the depth (~7m) was too shallow to avoid damaging the fish.  


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Fig. 40  - Transects for 1st geophysics plot
GPS at finish: 50˚ 20.1345N    04˚ 08.0865W  
GPS at start:50˚ 18.0009N    04˚ 06.7826W
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Fig. 41  -  Transects for 2nd geophysics plot
GPS at finish: 50˚ 18.9866N    04˚ 07.0742W



On the 6th of July of 2004, a side scan sonar survey was carried out, covering an area of approximately 1800 metres by 200 meters, just inshore of the Plymouth Breakwater. Four transects were completed, incorporating several interesting features of the sediment bathymetry. The plot is shown in figure 42.

The first notable feature found was the base of the breakwater itself. Both ends of the breakwater were scanned and showed up on the plots, and these are represented on the plotted diagram by a green colour. A transect close enough to the breakwater was not completed therefore the entire length was not plotted, but both ends are clearly shown. Surrounding these ends are areas of coarse-grained sediments. These sediments have been deposited by water flows that are slowed by the presence of the breakwater itself, and thus can no longer support its sediment load in suspension. Also found was some bedrock that was exposed above the sediments behind the breakwater, shown in black, along with the base of the moorings used by the large Naval vessels that anchor in this area, as well as the base of the fort built behind the breakwater during the first world war.  

Fig. 42 - Isometric plot behind the breakwater

The main point of this investigation, as described in earlier sections of this website, was to look for evidence of sediment deposition by the flow of water that eddies back upstream on ebb tides at the western side of the breakwater. This was investigated because, using our ADCP data on the ebbing tide, evidence was found of a back eddy that was carrying much less sediment than the main flow. At this time of year, such occurrences would not normally be happening, but due to the high rates of precipitation that occurred prior to and during our investigation, there were raised levels of suspended sediment in the water column. The findings were not entirely as expected.  

It was hoped that there would be a large amount of sediment deposition inside of the breakwater, but this was not apparent from the scan data. However, evidence of sediment deposition was found upon two large-scale bedforms. These bedforms were set further back from the breakwater than was initially expected. The sediment appears to have been deposited on top of a scour feature that has incised into the sediment. This incision was estimated to be approximately 1 meter. Within the main scour, smaller scours were noted and are illustrated on the diagram. The two main scours are approximately 360 meters in width at the widest point found by this survey. The smaller scours are 10 to 20 meters long and appear to have formed around a nuclei of some sort.

A grab was taken in the middle of the eastern most scour feature at a position of 50°20.179N, 4°08.748W to find any evidence of sediment deposition. Figure 43 shows our collected sample.

There is a thin layer of very fine, brown sand, which has been deposited on top of thick layers of black muds, which become anoxic with increasing depth. It was concluded that the brown sands on the surface was the sediment that was suspended within the water column during the investigation on Conway, caused by high precipitation throughout the fieldcourse. Thus, referring to the ADCP data collected, it can be concluded that it was the fine sand that caused the backscatter in the upper layers of flow, and its absence that caused low backscatter in the lower layer. There is only a thin layer of the sandy sediment on the surface because the hydrological conditions at the time of investigation were unusual, in that, having increased suspended sediment during the summer months is a very rare occurrence. As a contrast to these fine muds and sand, a sediment grab was taken in the centre of the eastern channel. The grab revealed coarser gravel, with grain sizes of up to 6cm of diameter. The sediment contrast between the two sites is so stark due to the differential flow rates that are found in the two areas. The main channel experiences fast water flows, so only the coarse sediment is deposited, while all the finer sediment remains in suspension.  


Fig. 43  - Grab sample one

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This study extended from 0 salinity at the head of the estuary, out to 34 salinity at E1, and links the physical processes over the two week period with changes in the biological, chemical and sedimentary processes. 

The survey of the upper estuary showed evidence of a salt wedge during the incoming tide, as well as temperature profile, with a change of 0.5°C from the warmer riverine water to the cooler estuarine waters. The nutrients showed very different results: Silicate showed non-conservative behaviour, with removal in the upper estuary probably due to uptake by diatoms. Phosphate also showed non-conservative behaviour, with both addition and removal associated with areas of past and present industrial use. Nitrate showed slight addition in the upper estuary, with slight removal in the lower estuary due to uptake by plankton as well as de-nitrification which reaches a maximum during summer. The plankton data showed an inverse relationship between the zooplankton and phytoplankton due to grazing. There is a difference in species dominance throughout the estuary. Diatoms show dominance in the upper estuary, with 75% of the total abundance, where Dinoflagellates dominate in the lower estuary, with 90% of the total abundance. Copepods tend to be the dominant zooplankton species throughout the entire estuary. 

The breakwater appears to have a significant effect on the flows in the Sound and the surrounding channels. During the ebb tide, observations of the ADCP backscatter suggest a reversal of flow direction inside the breakwater, with turbulent mixing and scouring of the seabed occurring.

During the period of this study there was a large amount of precipitation for this time of year. Consequently there was a larger quantity of suspended sediment within the freshwater source. This increase in sediment lead to previously unobserved deposition of fine grain sediments on top of these scour features, themselves also previously unseen on side scan surveys.  

The offshore survey showed a phytoplankton bloom extending from the mouth of the estuary, offshore to a water depth of 50 meters, as well as various other areas of backscatter indicating plankton maxima at depth. At the E1 monitoring station we recorded a very distinct thermocline at a depth of 29 meters, with fluorescence maxima (4.0 micrograms per litre) at 28 meters. This fluorescence maxima coincided with a backscatter peak from the ADCP data indicating zooplankton grazing. The fluoresence maxima occurs just above the thermocline because nutrients leach slowly through it, enabling the phytoplankton to take advantage of the available nutrients. In the zooplankton net we took in a vertical plane through this backscatter peak we found a huge abundance of large unidentified nidrian plankton, which were approximately 2cm in diameter. Backscatter peaks were also identified above the two peaks of Eddystone Rocks which were covered; this coincided with a decrease in the depth of the chlorophyll maxima which was noted on the miniBAT transect in the same area.

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Kiorboe, T. (1993). Turbulence, phytoplankton size, and the structure of pelagic food webs. Adv. Mar. Biol. 29, 1-72.

Miller, C.B. (2004). Biological Oceanography, Blackwell. pg 120.

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